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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Λιγο παλιο(δες το σημειο με τα Vista)αλλα πολυ γαματο!
  2. sometimes i do this too,when good subjects and?
  3. i have seen many guys in here asking for a guide
  4. we are talking about a saggitarious,he has way big Crit Rate
  5. final update,i don't think i have something more to do now it must be perfect
  6. i will update it right now in some parts rly thanks for buffs,cause server i play is currently down so i couldn't get them
  7. what do u mean i know guide needs 2-3 more things that isn't implemented cause i need to connect an epilogue server
  8. totally failed..
  9. ν00β n00b
  10. search before post ειναι σχεδον το ιδιο http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=114251.msg810772#msg810772
  11. who cares about it?
  12. ευχαριστουμε που πεταξες την μαλακια σου Φιλε αν ξερεις εστω και λιγα αγγλικα δοκιμασε αυτο http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=59572.0
  13. oh yeah it is don't listen to what they say(that they nerfed him) his nerf is ridiculous
  14. fυcky
  15. you are playing with random enemies with an OP hero i know what i am talking about :O
  16. who saks more?ventic or fυcky?
  17. explain better what kind of team you want to do a team that mostly be payed to work for client modding?and only for L2 or generally?
  18. you have to change it to this
  19. start spamming with things from leaguecraft Magaki has done 2 exact same topics
  20. To να δινεις καρμα απο την ιδια IP δεν επιτρεπεται καποιος πρεπει να το ελεγξει
  21. Oχι καρμα για ακομα ενα collection...πρωτον δεν δινουμε 2ον ειναι μικρο 3ον υπαρχει ηδη το sticky
  22. also chucky,u made like 500 spam posts this month,,,
  23. he can edit it so you can change ur sign so easy!way betta result
  24. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=175110.0 make it enough, i got enough, i will go at gym and fυck all dis bastards with big cock that saks
  25. Ειναι πολυ καλο,μαζεβεις mats ενω xpareis :)
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