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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Το ειπε καπως παραξενα το Varnish τι σημαινει στα ελληνικα;
  2. +1 απο εσενα;
  3. who said that word?
  4. hi lichar
  5. he hasn't made any post since 6-9-2010 wait...
  6. seriously,since in here you take post count,i would really like to dekarma you for spam stop it
  7. His server is based in L2jTeon...it's exactly the same pack with L2Mafia...very easy ::)
  8. http://l2meredith.zapto.org/ no ucoz
  9. it's dump cause you have made work to so many ppl....so there wouldn't be a scam issue anyway,can't u sell it in someone else?:)
  10. and resist fire etc,cause they don't give +150 in your buffs,can u explain me what that buff before blazing skin does?
  11. website lags i guess it's fully customized and ++ skills w/o bog? cause RESIST FIRE/wind/water don't give +150 resist and some things are different
  12. how dumb must someone be to be scammed 4 times by same guy?
  13. Μagaki tell us ur story
  14. It's your choice to trust random ppl...
  15. +1 awarded for all his shares here!Keep working
  16. so,today tried server and here is what i found first of all,based on L2jTeon isn't it?Rly like playing L2Mafia SPS pwns you in 2 seconds with aura flash Archers gonna 2 hit mages with Peril You have to press control to trick your enemy(?) If you die in primeval you spawn there all the time w/o spawn protection(no way of leaving) server population is very LOW and,balance meng suckz
  17. Παντως εντυπωσιαζουμε που λειτουργουν αυτα τα quest στον L2Liberators(nvm)
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=modifykarma;sa=applaud;uid=23553;topic=133901.36615;m=1368060;sesc=cdc6617dc837f7de2318bf851b6086af Raule press this link
  19. put this
  20. meng bigger videos...bored to refresh it..
  21. now your balls are like his?
  22. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=157999534212287&ref=mf who is this?
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174881.0 how many double posts?and why bumps his server? also a karma abuse on 56k
  24. earthquake why are u doing this to me...i like Cloud as avatar..
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