You know that's not good
why simplier don't just try to make something that can be 'some' good,instead of posting here and hear comments u know u are going to hear ? ???
i don't see a reason to start dexternet
there is actually none,since community is old,more than 50% moved to arion,which is new
I am waiting for a comment that says WHY to start dexternet instead of arion
i was sure,from
SErver from greece
ucoz(means hosted in greece)
and from that
Sorry For Our Site It Will Be Fixed Soon SpeciaL Thx To xSweeTV1oLenCex
nice web designer
αποτι καταλαβα,θα αγορασει skill,αρα ο σερβερ ειναι παραπληγικος,αρα unbalance αρα δεν θα δει
τωρα,αν ειναι βγαζει το ενα agility active και βαζει shield,παντως ενα duel might πρεπει να το εχει