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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. cause i fck u it doesn't means i am gay (since u pay me ^^)
  2. -xaxaxa καλό
  3. what did u find? anyway,what u are looking for is for Epilogue,u have to learn how to adapt chonicles just read 1-2 guides search in big aio in client mod section
  4. Βρειτε μου που μενω να δουμε αν δουλευει
  5. did
  6. nice... >< sup
  7. Πραγματικα πειτε μου τι σας εκανε να πιστεψετε οτι οι Δικαιολογημενες θα πηγαιναν 25 πειτε μου
  8. still proxy?
  9. Oχου πια με τον καθε μαλακα που βγαινει και λεει οτι θελει τιποτα δεν εγινε,και με τις καταληψεις μπορει να κανετε μαθημα και τα Σαββατα bb
  10. Custom buff list..these arrows work? anyway,amazing
  11. yeah i wanted to have this great work in forum,credits are given to him w/o advertisments :)
  12. πολυ failed τελευταια walker+πολυ καιρο On Μιλαω εκπειρας οσοι φιλοι μου (μεγαλοι ειναι) παιζανε bnb/thegame απο C1 εως που κλεισανε,και δεν ξαναπαιξαν L2 τοσο καιρο,ξαναρχισαν με τον thegamereborn :)
  13. TheGamereborn.net ολο το παλιο community του thegame(pvp+rpg) Ολοι ελληνες μπολικος χαβαλες καμια 2κ κοσμος
  14. i agree to this we have seen only 1 style here ,and ofcourse some more advanced can pwn him easily
  15. Your IP Address: Located near: ATHENS, ATTIKI (GR) can u find where i live?lawl
  16. Δεν γινεται αυτο που λες,θεε μου Μονο το κεντρο απο το οποιο παιρνει internet μπορεις να βρεις ΥΓ:Εισαι πολυ αγριος...επειδη σου εριξε τον server πρεπει να τον σκοτωσεις;χδ
  17. lol i am hearing to this wtf
  18. i can read good fck black
  19. χεχε btw Don't make Mid rate servers they fail(trust me,no lifetime.YOu will have many people in start,but most will Q.Q after) better make a high rate with some unique features and/or maybe a custom weapon farmed with pvp and be as a S grade weapon +3 or something like that
  20. then report anyone using advertisment in his sign and not only what u want
  21. Υοu didn't do the same with GP lame?
  22. Yeah he managed to log with a proxy now the question is what kind of IP ban that is?
  23. already did
  24. no possibility of acc problem
  25. Chucky has this problem he did and nothing same white
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