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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. GrisoM make a gift to Devon too?^%
  2. Prolly not in here ::)
  3. now he is jumping in his chair,he is happy he pwned the center of capitalism,GOST
  4. feeling proud of what doing now?;O
  5. x3
  6. damn i should be here some time ago i missed all fun!
  7. he is a rat ^^
  8. Attention whore we have many of them in gr too
  9. xexe damn
  10. yeah,i am pro damn he is not Maxtor but Coyote ^^
  11. Ρε τον Jack Παλαιοτερα ο GrisoM ειχε κανει ενα τετοιο ωραιο
  12. lol he is like Justic Bieber ;O
  13. nice voice btw xd
  14. grisom left maxtor right?
  15. he is too good to be Erol^^
  16. the boy in ur ava is Grisom?
  17. Καντο Uninstall μεσα απο Πινακα ελεγχου btw w00t;
  18. what happened
  19. Παντως δεν θα χαφτει οτι ακουει δεξια και αριστερα
  20. kind of mid rate will succeed
  21. client? u forgot one critical point Chronicle Gracia servers last more than 5-8 months
  22. Οτι ητανε παρα πολυ μαλακας το ξεραμε;
  23. Βασικα αν γινει κατι τετοιο,θα κανουν καταληψη οι καθηγητες
  24. Θα πηγαινεις στις 6 και θα φευγεις στις 6 το απογευμα
  25. what?
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