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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. obvious,lol
  2. Well,check this Checked with another account Checked with Proxy Checked with another browser Nothing of them works,still the same any idea?
  3. http://www.daskalemata.gr/answers/windows-help/windows7-sta-ellinika.html Eκει που λεει ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ γλωσσα βαλε ρωσικη
  4. quote to see properly
  5. Lol it's WC3 all games anyway,it's cool if u like to host games in Public BNET
  6. Stop advertising ur forum,damn
  7. ΗΒ meng,good luck in everything u are planning to do!
  8. Του παει το μαυρο του DarkMagician,τι λες;
  9. Θελω να του κανουν ενα warn να αρχισει να γραφει greeklish(και ομως...)
  10. Για τι πραγμα ψαχνεις;Δεν καταλαβα..
  11. warn να αρχισει να γραφει με greeklish ή ενα chat ban Εγω και οι υπολοιποι ελληνες εδω μεσα κοντευουμε να ξεχασουμε τα ελληνικα που ξερουμε!
  12. Like so many it's his right as soon as he paid,so we can't do anything
  13. vă va învăţa mă romaneasca?
  14. Αν μπορεις να αποθηκευσεις εγγραφα(προσωπικα) στο net σου,κανε εκει εγκατασταση ολο το παιχνιδι και παιζε απο εκει
  15. Credits yours? ahh
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=180435.0;topicseen guide for how to make a preconf+share of preconf it's EXACTLY what mxc doesn't want ;d
  17. wat nc sain
  18. sell of vip/dona acc is dissalowed u will be banned also,it doesn't worth bb
  19. if u were mod u would see more things,so fail
  20. nothing to do with dota
  21. thank you for reminding me that,i used it in old games hosted by me on Bnet i don't know if it works inother hosts too
  22. post hide removed
  23. sucks rly i suggest u start L2Royale
  24. too obvious,but thank you
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