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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. ban ban no changes?what happened
  2. don't know
  3. i liked what u had when u were in spam team
  4. annoying avatar
  5. he is a bot he is auto targeting
  6. greece is 50 years back that's why it wont be destroyed in 2012
  7. are u here only for devon?
  8. yeah it says:Best computers now have 32 MB or RAM this new technologies have given the great game PACMAN
  9. in greece we learn Computer systems which are based in a book written in 1992 and in english we are smoking anyway,i know gud english grammar but only basic vocabulary
  10. u know school system in greece sucks
  12. i really like to read ur posts,but these big ones confuse me..seperate them a bit ::) //care he is near us
  13. Exorcism!
  14. Stop the fck black
  15. You care about cat-fights not religion but Diabolic does ಠ_ಠ
  16. you may laugh but even me doesn't remember this there have been 2 or 3 years since i last played(lol) it was still C4 with IL skills
  17. Νοw really Who cares about religion in a forum? ffs
  18. so,you give ur life into ur religion? and that makes u a right person? i believe in GOD i am not that addicted,thought but it doesn't means i am an atheist,lol
  19. yes i agree like he cares about his account tell him come here so we can have fun all together :)
  20. nah,who cares public things are more funny
  21. What's a pitty .exe files don't work in Linux otherwise this OS pwns asses
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