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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. ΕΙΠΑ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΕΠΙΚΟΛΛΗΣΗ;ΘΕΕ ΜΟΥ ειπα τα ιδια λαθη Και εσυ σαν τον αλλον,βαζεις ιδιες οδηγιες,ιδες ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ(εννοω,πατα next,εδω περιμενε,ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ γιατι να υπαρχουν τετοιες εικονες;Μπορουσες να σωσεις το 50% απο το μεγεθους του οδηγου αν το εκανες αυτο Εχεις το αθλιο μαυρο και αυτο το guide εχει γινει 50 φορες,και της papaditsas,ακομα και ετσι ειναι παλι καλυτερο
  2. Δεν ξερω btw,τι σερβερ ηταν ο Cosmos;
  3. Ευχαριστω που μου το ειπες,θα τα βαλω πολυ συντομα ::)
  4. - Idea for the Theme:Lighting or something like that,try to fit with VIP color - Text which you want:Finito - Additional sub-text if you want:-
  5. I played almost all mid rate IL servers since 1,5 years now guess how they all ended IL gameplay &fate can't be saved by some events
  6. L2Survival check it now u think GM's will make events each day for 2-3 months?jesus christ and i am saying such things cause i have some experience of that kind of servers
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=61.0 the last 15-20 last replies of board http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=75189;sa=showPosts latest posts
  8. Lol meng since IL mid rate live for 3 months max(2 months normal gameplay) it's already too old <_< Kay,active staff will make it live 15 days longer Intopic,no IL server really worth,cause of no lifetime
  9. Holy jeez,in what server a PALADIN wears a light armor? 90% light armor type classes were heavy for good stats(especially now in freya) but not the opposite this could happen only in a HR with custom light armor with crazy stats
  10. Tell me are u using paladin on pvps(generally,1v1 2v2 etc.) or only as TANK for sieges/big pvp parties i mean u are attacking or just aggroing?;D
  11. Reptant_


  12. Reptant_


    Πες του ειναι παπαρας
  13. yeah,since my main problem isn't that 40-50 min i will be there,but the 4 hours of sleep i will lose!
  14. I would have given you the karma,if u didn't ask it :) It's only for IG or OGG too?
  15. if no go->7 u know Q_Q ehm...
  16. yeah i know but still,these days i have to help my granpa with wheat([gr]σπερνουμε χωραφτια) cause i can't translate it well ;D
  17. actually this doesn't count as a fail cause he is new Ah,no he kinda failed,since the section writes:post doesn't count here
  18. Salonica(not inside town, my village is in the mid distance of Salonica-Kilkis(~)
  19. http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2284 http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=52018 http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=16929
  20. Here in GR,was cold at 8AM,but only for 2 hours then it was like summer;D
  21. OmGG->Left(he died again) nikoloudos left vege left aecetia isn't spamming nosfekain emoquited
  22. Σε παρακαλω τεκμηριωσε μου το μου αυτο,αγαπητο μου προβατο
  23. especically mid rates,can't live more than ...3 months?
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