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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. α δηλαδη παλι καλα που δεν εισαι VIP... btw Good job,ειναι αρκετα ευκολο αλλα πολυ ωραιο για εναν σερβερ
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=185175.msg1485517#msg1485517 dev help gr?
  3. Παντως με τους dev Criminal+fovos που λες οτι ειναι και οι καλυτεροι της Ελλαδας δεν πας πουθενα ουτε με host σε καποιον αλλον...
  4. Go at their topics and give link for share
  5. Sorry but what you are telling isn't normal L2(i mean 2 month max gameplay) and the way it's beeing player IMO
  6. Δεν ξερω νομιζω μονο το αντιθετο γινεται εχεις το CD των 32bit ετσι;
  7. I hope not anyway,our last coach at some matches was VERY fail,like he wanted to leave...
  8. Του ετσουξε λιγο στο 1ο γκολ
  9. Tell maxtor remove shop/adena system
  10. You are not also,as u say :/ ( i am the 3rd person view,anyway i get out of here)
  11. meng ur 2 last post pages were good luck lol don't compare it how many servers ur friend has :/
  12. You said 'Good luck' in over 80 servers ....
  13. Oh my god 5 pages in private server section..
  14. τενκς
  15. Anyway any link to yesterday's goals?
  16. Luis Garcia is kinda failed for me.At least for now Djibril is the only one...and our defence rly sucks he needs to learn our players the basic things ;D
  17. We can win the championship all we need is fate to god
  18. dvp killed someone That's him who killed that guy?xd
  19. axaxaxaxa nice choise then and yes yesterday we won the shit(QQ WRD ZERO REVENGER )
  20. Oh yeah anyway we will see.Who comes in greece(player or coach) most times sucks
  21. Was this shit good at porto?
  22. ee-necro dagger pala archer tyrant
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