Today,i was browsing PMfun forum
i found one 'similar' topic,that got me into thoughts,cause,i don't know,am i so wrong?
Answer my following questions:
1)Evasion affects blow miss rate?
2)Dynasty or Vesper in GE(this is lame)
3)Accuracy is needed for a dagger?
4)Critical Rate is needed?
5)What Critical blow rly does?
6)Evasion VS Pdef
and some mine questions
7)doesMORTAL STRIKE buff of gh/wr affects the chance of skills succeed or lethal?
8)++ STR dyes on GE increase lethal possibility+damage?
9)Are reflect buffs meant to give damage back to blows?
In many servers they are different,as chronicles
answer me as better as you can.You will learn what i think for these too soon