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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Ο αλλος θα κανει 10/10 χαχα κανει και rr router μπας και προλαβει
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=80969;sa=showPosts Finito, BattleGround, BattleGround, Deurian, hanswurst, Gurment, LordPanic and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. In that topic and his post have even 5 second delay wtf
  3. To GMOD ηταν το πιο ευκολο για να μην αλλαζω thread
  4. lol,i am reffering to take dmg back by BLOWS(when someone has song of vangeance,freezing skin etc) @Sido there are some more things i wanna answer,check my post above
  5. Αχ καρδουλα ξεχασα να βαλω ο μαλακας
  6. and? we make their dream true!
  7. Γιατι να μην εγκρινουνε,4 fun ειναι και ολοι εχουν δικαιωμα στο ονειρο
  8. Σοβαρα σου μιλαω,να φτιαξω ενα με τετοια;
  9. Να κανω ενα topic που θα φτιαχνω τετοια 4 fun? (χωρις το br που εφυγε)
  10. Less ram
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=21657 κοντα 1000 μερες btw wrd,ξερεις οτι μπορεις να μπεις ΜΣΝ μεσω του hotmail.com ?
  12. You definitely need a party zone(or atleast 3-4 members needed to kill a mob)
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193100.0;topicseen μας λειπουν εμπειροι
  14. απο τα βυζια
  15. Don't u like it?It's looks so real
  16. btw added one more question you can put attri at vesper by accuracy,ofc i mean for pvp same for crit rate (something about it,all skills are critical,and there is double crit,affected by str) Since when lethal depends on crit rate? I wanna tell me what practically critical blow and mortal strikes does.Not the description
  17. I don't think so,if counterattack is working
  18. funky σου εφτιαξα sign τραβα δες
  19. κανε κατι αλλο τοτε
  20. Believe me,needing a party to drop 1 big mob like little rb dropping 1-2 times,is kind rare also don't forget armor attributes
  21. Σοβαρα σου απανταω
  22. Κανε guide πως να ανοιξεις σερβερ
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