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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. who is ocelote
  2. 12 top teams? are you retarded bro they got at S3 finals by luck(actually bad plays from CLG. No way they could beat Fnatic They finished last There are atlest 6 more teams in EUROPE only that can beat them and lets not mention that they even lose from all top NA teams(CLG TSM DIG CRS) and ofc, they wont win ANY ASIAN TEAM
  3. how can bad become worse lo9l
  4. Its amazing how you want to get everything free. This account should cost around 40 euros. Not the shitty prices you are offering. Cheers
  5. Ιt's just the start, you are playing with first starters. After some matches..(look at Jarvan IV. and all actually. That's the very first matches)
  6. για αυτο ολοι παιζουν garen
  7. only maxtor can do that or maxtor
  8. They throw it all the time. You have no idea of the games i played. mid and top like 1-15, both 100cs+ outfarm, useless jungler. Still win
  9. After boosting some accs at 1400 elo, i gotta say something. You deserve the elo you are. I wont hear excuses like 'bad team' etc. I was winning even tho ALL the other teammates were failing hard.
  10. Reptant_


    I think you should stop posting stupid messages.
  11. φορτουνα τρας
  12. ε λογικα δεν ειναι καλα συνδεμενος ο σκληρος μεσα, ή σε λαθος θυρα αναλογα τις ρυθμισεις
  13. o ConArtist(o real) ηταν στην αμερικη αν θυμαμαι καλα... και απο τα Αγγλικα και μονο καταλαβαινεις :D
  14. no he was at soul last time i checked :P
  15. maybe you were there cause of the +-40 matches, and this is the elo you worth. Bad luck happens, but not for so long elo range.
  16. Ockedl
  17. By watching IPL5, clan BlackBeans were bad. But you can't play there. Not even close to their level. Else you wouldn't be, where you are ;)
  18. You are playing with people that most likely first start playing rankeds. I could win with malady graves 20-0 at that place.
  19. Ok noble είχε hol κ κατέβαζε με 250κβ max Me forthnet 1.6mb/s
  20. Δεν εχω ορεξη να σου εξηγησω τι παει στραβα τωρα, και ειναι ανωφελο :Ρ
  21. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/22559874#history Ουτε για 1200 δεν εισαι, αλλα ο east server ειναι δυνατος... τεσπα απλα δεν ειναι ομορφο τετοιοι τιτλοι σε video, αν ειναι θα κανεις κατι σοβαρα και 'επαγγελματικα'
  22. Θες να σου postarw ta forthnet 2,4mbps, ή να περιμενω καμια βδομαδα για τα ~45 του vdsl;
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