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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. You are unbanned now. Locked.
  2. Normal daggers are the best cause....they give best damage..
  3. There will be more tomorrow at peak time, anyway.
  4. Wait for something official from Maxtor.
  5. Raule shares for money, not for karma ;D ;D
  6. ε γυρω στα 30 την μερα υποθετω.
  7. I could think only 2 or 3 possible foreign staffers for now, that they could help+deserve it. Not more. Anyway, this thread is pointless ;)
  8. Αν δεν σκεφτεσαι για τα ποστ και απλα postareis σωστα, δεν χρειαζεται να ανησυχεις ;) Με ενα οριο τουλαχιστον..
  9. I agree, but think is in another way We can manage all sections, and not only English ones.
  10. Ε κανεις δεν σου ειπε οτι ειναι spam αυτο που λες.. εγω μιλαω για 10 διαφορετικες απαντησεις σε 10 διαφορετικα topics μεσα σε πολυ μικρο χρονικο διαστημα.
  11. We know it, we don't like it(even greeks) but... and i would like too see your suggestions about a foreign staffer haha
  12. ειναι μια πολιτικη που δεν θελουν εδω, τουλαχιστον στην αρχη. Να μην farmareis 500+ post/ βδομαδα.. ουτε το να τραβας πανω απο 7-8 συνεχομενα ποστ σε ενα section....γιατι τοτε δεν κανεις συζητηση, αλλα spam..
  13. They informed me that your problem is solved. If not, PM me. Locked.
  14. Server is opening today, new thread made, topic closed :) .
  15. Read section rules about L2jbrasil. (sticky topics!)
  16. Πιστευω πως υπαρχει τροπος ;D
  17. Δεν χρειαζεται απαραιτητα. Θα σου απαντησω μολις ξυπνησω λιγο ;)
  18. I was kidding :D I know it :) @Fanky that thing you are saying doesn't exist. It's like someone gives coca-cola for free, while some other sell it. Should he stop cause the other one that sells it gets offended?:)
  19. hmmm let's stay intopic ;)
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