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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Reptant_


    Και b-soe πρωτη μπαρα σε mid rate srv
  2. Reptant_


    +1 karma if you do it
  3. Reptant_


    Που ειναι το Switch
  4. RPG Club has a fake counter Well, some russian ones have many people. Like Asterios, La2.ru etc But don't forget, most of them -Use fake numbers -Dual boxes -Botters -Offline shops Higher population ever seen in a server, C5 Azure, 9.000 people in no dualbox/no bot/no offline shop
  5. Reptant_


    Read my post before.At least, that doesn't happen to me
  6. Reptant_


    Definitely not. Check this tommorow Just did. I went to sites that i haven't visited for more than 1 week, and i have 200+, oO
  7. Something that matches with my membergroup color, text Finito :)
  8. Reptant_


    189.925 But this is since the very first beggining of beeing in mxc, cause i am 100% firefox users, and i use the same over this time
  9. ye,like in azure Your point has failed sir..if u are a 1 month SRV player ,there are plenty outside there
  10. Reptant_


    He solved it some ages ago..
  11. SSDs can read up to 600 mb/s, can't they? :D
  12. Relax guys. You don't have to be that aggressive Yes, the donation list is way OP, but that's not a reason to flame him
  13. Αν δεν λεγατε πως το κανατε, θα μπορουσατε να τον καταστρεψετε μεχρι να τον κλεισει τελειως
  14. Το L2 εχει φαει τα ψωμια του, εχει κλεισει ηδη 7 χρονια Και δεν μπορει να συνεχιζει τα updates πανω στο ιδιο engine.. και η ιστορια ειναι συγκεκριμενη, δεν γινεται αυτο που λες Αλλα αυτο που λεω ειναι μακροπροθεσμο, χαλαρωστε
  15. I just said above, to suggest things clearly, not like that. Details that we may miss...
  16. There are already PLENTY(really) suggestions in Staff section by Staff members. It doesn't depend on us anymore
  17. Εχω complex με τους τονους, και στα γραπτα και στον υπολογιστη. Για το 1ο, απλα συνηθεια, το 2ο μου φαινεται 'χασιμο χρονου' καθως δεν εχω συνηθισει, και κανω αρκετα λαθη.. Αλλα δεν μιλαμε για δολοφονια της γλωσσας, οπως γινεται αυτο. Δεν ειναι οτι δεν μπορω, απλα δεν θελω. Ετσι το βλεπω εγω, τουλαχιστον.. *Το ηξερα οτι καποιος θα εκανε ενα τετοιο ποστ, επρεπε να βαλω για 1 φορα τονους lol :P
  18. Like? Like? Like? Make one Yes to new theme(kinda difficult though), but what new functions? Coders? Is forum a coding one? /|\Uploaders? Suggest names Give suggestions, not general things we already know But
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