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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Can't get it work, lf info :)
  2. Αν δεν προκειται να βαλεις κατι καινουριο ::)
  3. To πρωτο unban δεν υφισταται, μιας και ετσι και αλλιως ειναι double acc. Το δευτερο, unlocked. αλλα προσεχε..
  4. - Για το Δρομοκαϊτειο περάστε από εδώ. οσες φορες και αν το δω με πιανει σπαστικο γελιο
  5. Stop the shitty replies, you are not funny http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187623.0 here it is dude, user.ini
  6. But he has 30 sec delay and doesn't post here as confirm ^_^
  7. PM thepunk
  8. Ιt's ok there They just got there from Guides & Tutorials.Anyway, no privs did what i can
  9. Reptant_


    You had removed these files , then tried to sell some similar ones. If you find punishing 10+ people for ''lying'' ok, i will do it. But sorry, as i said above, all proofs show(all your sales topic) that you are 'scamming' , lot of times Since you are gonna tell maxtor or a GM, send them this thread in PM
  10. Reptant_


    Shakal...please we all know your way of acting, lies etc for SO SO long I don't think all these guys would be against you if you were just fine. Atleast, what Simmo says is right, and proven many times in past. He was unbanned the day Maxtor unbanned everyone ::)
  11. He was banned , but he was unbanned at clarity day when maxtor unbanned everyone ;) If he abuses karma again, he knows what's coming :) :)
  12. Locked PS: Put 'Garena with MH' in your signature :D
  13. XAXAXAXAXAXAXA Παντως ο Τεοντοσιτς ηταν 0 και στα 4 ματς..
  14. Doesn't exist anymore
  15. We should be mad for getting PMs/having many topics to lock per day, not you T_T
  16. Pro isn't made by stats, but by general gameplay. If you play 20 games/day, you will get some improvement, but you won't be such good
  17. Not really. Just see SeventhSky
  18. Anyway, topic cleaned
  19. We can't let any VIP Locking threads, since it's a damn forum. And some opinions are always needed... Would you imagine a scammer locking his topic every time? Wouldn't be nice And noone gave you the privilege to call 'Retarded ' a moderator , that spends to many hours here in order to keep the damn forum clean You have to show some respect to this. And your language isn't better than these
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