I know,it was at night and i couldn't remember all of them
And i forgot about L2Dex
and L2Dreams.
Actually, many more GF servers are going to pop-up
Stupid topic, εχουμε εξηγησει τα ιδια και τα ιδια ποσες χιλιαδες φορες..
Δεν υπαρχουν ΟΡ class - Καποιοι γαματοι admin τα δημιουργουν
και ακομα και 'αν υπηρχουν', ειναι αναλογα το καθε chronicle.
So, you are looking for 18+ year guys, with 2 years experience at least?
And you require them to host your server as while, lol.
I doubt that you will find someone like this
Anyway, moved to the right section, which is @L2J sub-board.