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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. 1- karma haha
  2. Seriously, who?
  3. Who's posting in mxc though? moar hacks.
  4. seriously, didn't a girl had that acc?(bubulina)
  5. sirroco is on drugs.
  6. I will chat with others about that :) Premade..
  7. I know,it was at night and i couldn't remember all of them And i forgot about L2Dex and L2Dreams. .. Actually, many more GF servers are going to pop-up
  8. Ακριβως αυτο.
  9. Stupid topic, εχουμε εξηγησει τα ιδια και τα ιδια ποσες χιλιαδες φορες.. Δεν υπαρχουν ΟΡ class - Καποιοι γαματοι admin τα δημιουργουν και ακομα και 'αν υπηρχουν', ειναι αναλογα το καθε chronicle.
  10. So, you are looking for 18+ year guys, with 2 years experience at least? And you require them to host your server as while, lol. I doubt that you will find someone like this Anyway, moved to the right section, which is @L2J sub-board.
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61847.0 we don't give karma for personal reasons..
  12. Just change it.Only staff members can give karma for personal reasons.
  13. Παοκ ρε
  14. Να σου κλεψω την δουλεια τωρα; ::)
  15. You can't give karma as award
  16. What could it have better than Insomnia? C5 is almost IL.. +1,5% Uber!
  17. I had never seen this video before ^^ Btw, what gender is Kayle supposed to be?
  18. ‮Welcome to our forum, read the rules and have fun. Dont forget that! thank you.
  19. +1000 since 3 days, and forum account=game account , since they are linked.
  20. Reptant_


    hack my profile
  21. Already doing so..
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