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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Χαλια εμφανισιακα, και δεν μου φαινεται να εχει κατι ξεχωριστο σε σχεση με τα αλλα.. Προσπαθησε να κανεις κατι unique... εγω δεν ειδα τιποτα μα τιποτα καλυτερο ως τωρα
  2. i hard lol'ed with the other L2Insomnia GM's today, even me couldn't understand what i was saying :(
  3. Cause we don't know how to speak english
  4. Yes , now not
  5. Do you believe that we had 3 hours beep beep beep from Skype cause he won't go buying one, spending only 10 mins?
  6. get a mic
  7. 10 Move your ass and get one
  8. Do you wanna to be flamed nowwwwwwwww?
  9. 30 minutes, lol Go work make moni
  10. Why don't you upgrade it? Big deal lol..
  11. Where is bubgirl? :)
  12. steal one
  13. where is him?
  14. You don't know greek mixed with Bulgarian & Pakistanian (lol) so you can't laugh with him.
  15. You don't know yet I wanna have a talk with the pro mastah ddos now haha
  16. laters, let me wake up & start the drama :D
  17. This is not a right place to explain you about that dude, i have a point on that :)
  18. No ::)
  19. Not even them. Believe me.
  20. Εven Ventic kinda accepted that his staff is kinda retarded on that, but he is the best choice around random 12yo kids..
  21. Like, you didn't know how Cloud + Sido act...
  22. nais one, bubu needs help spamming in new eost :D
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