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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Kayle dealing TONS of damage for real... i made a Quadra while on Malady + Guinsoo's( i was dealing most damage) and then solo'ed 3 people out of 4 with my ulti :P
  2. His action was right, i think its totally clear at karma rules.(DONT FIX OTHER PEOPLE'S ACTIONS)
  3. First game VS a 1320 elo team....(with many games) Ahri 1900 elo, and beeing babysitted by Shen/Kayle/Alistar but HLEKTRA IS OP
  4. mcbigmac emoraging kid? kewl knowledge of the scene , lool
  5. You won't join skype if i am online, you have to know. And you suck as AD carry, you are at 1200 elo for like 8-9 months
  6. Under 500 elo you say, clarity users
  7. no jungler and 2x clarity, wtf game is this?
  8. Ο επομενος με παρομοια ιστορια θα φυγει dekarma/ban χωρις προειδοποιηση.
  9. Υοu shall be happy i didnt dekarma you for spamming(as that topic went on)
  10. λεωφορειο ειπα
  11. Προβατα επειδη πληρωνουμε; Εσυ δηλαδη δες τα παντα τζαμπε; Στην Αγγλια πχ ειναι 2, 30 λιρες(2.70 ευρω) για μια μετακινηση, και εδω παραπονιομαστε ΤΟΣΟ πολυ...
  12. Only one person per category, or else i will take the first name mentioned only
  13. Btw, only people that are active in 2011-2012 (except most missed)
  14. This is a fun contest, even though special awards will be applied for the winners! You can vote only one for each category, but the same name can be applied in different sections! You can vote people about the period 2011-2012(even earlies 2011) ;) Here are the categories: 1: Most Popular User 2: Funnier User 3: Active User 4: Spammer 5: Top Shares 6: Most trolling 7: Most Hated 8: Most loved 9: Most Missed 10: Most loved moderator Please put the categories before the name ! PS: You cant vote yourselves PS2:1 post per user
  15. Tryskell. The only one
  16. i dont care, you scammed someone, so you are banned noone can guarantee us that you are not gonna do it again
  17. So, you were banned for scamming, and you are COMING BACK claiming to be a MiddleMan again, to scam even more people And i should allow that to happen.FOR REAL? Go ahead, you know what you "ll get
  18. Reptant_


    pm maxtor.nothing we can do ;)
  19. I got the proofs. (Even, from 2 PEOPLE!) no, the ban is not gonna change Trust me mang, i would never do an action if i didnt have enough proofs :P )
  20. Τα περισσοτερα ban ειναι δικαιολογημενα. Ο βαζελος εκανε μεγαλη μαλακια εκει, και ξερεις πολυ καλα οτι οποτε και να γινοταν αυτο θα γινοταν ban. Oσο για τον Amnesia, δεν με νοιαζει ποιος εκανε τις συνναλαγες με το account σου, πραγματικα.Το account τρωει ban, anyway Λογικα κανενα απο τα 2 δεν θα βγει, οποτε αν εχετε κατι να ρωτησετε πανω σε αυτα, πειτε το πριν τις 5:00 :/ (εδιτ: σε πμ )
  21. Just a shitty scammer, that threatens all the way fooling with lies. I got only one thing to say ; ban everyone that threatens the forum Since they are so childish, let them do w/e they want. If they wanna ddos the forum, they do it anyways You can't just let anyone handle you via that. Every kid can buy a booter and ddos the site...so he spends money for that...kind of great isn't it?
  22. Why so? anyway, locked
  23. Hate translated 9gag's comics :(
  24. Πρωτα πρεπει να μαθει κανεις να παιζει, μετα να συνεργαστει σαν team, να παιξει μπολικα ματς μαζι(κυριως ranked team) και μετα για τουρνουα οσο αφορα την ομαδα σου, κανε πρωτα ολα αυτα και μετα μπες σε ενα τουρνουα..
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