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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. exei mikro success se L2Off se L2J 3exna to..
  2. i did read only about weapons,donot know about shields :D
  3. Feriko Kane enan san tn Ken Abigail t mafia gt apla ta espage to palio sistima(fog san farm,66% enchant me medals(egw s lew vale 55% me adena) o server ta espage pragmatika, polys kosmos epeze ekei..Vgale k ta bug k ise gg
  4. and you can px have in right arm a Arcana mace and in left a Som..
  5. you are right,one more way to do that,forgot :D And,it is not about dbsk,it's about a conversation we had in a topic about disabling post count in Sell section..a moderator told us<simply report them>.That's why//
  6. meta ta A grade oi armor san katigories exoun mono 1 type.. dld enw sta A grade yparxoun 4 light sta S-Dynasty-Vesper mono 1 light Vevea an dn exei grade penalty boreis na foreseis Imperial Crusader..
  7. Basika an vgaleis tis m^^^ies p girnane sinexeia k se zalizoun k valeis ena kalo fonto pisw einai mia xara.
  8. At Lineage2.com(official) server client is still :Gracia Epilogue Anyway..Online players:0 cz most are downloading client..
  9. Soz for spam^one question:What exactly is Freya?
  10. Vyper PM me with screens now they won't be deleted as it was fixed on that srv..
  11. Where do you see WWE matches? PS:Cena can win only in Last Man standing.. :D
  12. nice signature :D
  13. bikes sto AIO p s evala sto post m? alla tcp epeidh ta 8elete ola sto piato Phx me for dl :D
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27664.60 first post:2008 last reply:november 2009 ....
  15. k to 3.5.xx kanei douleia alla egw s proteinw 3.1.8(aftin tn stigmi dn borw na vrw to 3.1.8 pare link gia 3.5.xx) Edit:Vasika pare afto..AIO L2Phx
  16. 1on:Move to Request exploits GR (stin xeiroteri Request general help GR) 2o:Otan les hacker ennoeis na tn ri3ei apla,buggakia,i kati pio e3ezitimeno.. egw lew diavase merika guide gia phx k 8a boreseis na kaneis k ta 3
  17. in topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151318.0 Edit:and this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=148862.15 Seriously think about putting no post count in sell item sections..
  18. I am gonna try it now :D
  19. good tvt event is useful for many bugs :D like taking a castle,olympiad,
  20. Zubei=+4 evasion and +3 after +6..
  21. Mporw na kanw alla den exw tn ore3i tn teleftea periodo.. :D PS:re file pos ginetai na mn to xoreses olo mazi..lol..emena dld gt m xorane?
  22. Xronia polla re! s esteila k 10 adena os doro
  23. 1st:Server is advertised in Private Section^you donot need to advertise more 2nd:I agree,go join server,hasn't protections,go try L2hLaPeX and L2w Hf xp with walker!!
  24. Giati dld dn boreis na valeis tn friend s na kanei to bug me ta bot i tn char? dn einai afto to provlima.. px o Dimis exei valei otan psofas apo reflect na ise peaceful..
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