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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i reported him too
  2. this works only in your topics not in other's!!
  3. first,use this Second,i didnot found C:/Explorer Third,try [Ολα τα προγραμματα-βοηθηματα-εργαλεια συστηματος-επαναφορα συστηματοs]put it 3-4 days before and pc will be like it was 3-4 days before :D
  4. he propably means how to post in another topic and hide it i wanna to ask about that too ;)
  5. mobs give you this
  6. except the promise of SoFaKi to give me karma,do you see anything else unusual ? ;)
  7. T Take L2.ini from ventic system and put it in another system that works(px l2mafia)
  8. it's up to your fantasy what is 3.
  9. in Ventic server :D
  10. Ventic is totally noob developer :D
  11. i always make sword singer :D :D
  12. i am in :D tell your names here
  13. Dieing from titan with frenzy enchantment fail after safe lethal from dagger classes 10 year old kiddos
  14. i did put l2.ini into l2mafia system.. PS:I like that Community board works :D
  15. Spammer+Undiger
  16. Erol what were you doing at greek section? anyway,ban him super spammer
  17. Awesome shields!! I really like 2nd i remember them in L2Khaos..they did give bonuses also(stun resistance,matt :D)
  18. Finally, i got confused TELL US WHEN IT OPENS OFFICIALLY
  19. Admin of this forum is banned :Glory http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=71333 C/P many things from MxC..-1 karma while he is admin yaya They even c/p custom titles of moderators..lawl
  20. s efxomai na vgaleis 9.4 Geniko na dw ti 8a les ;)
  21. i would send you...but first a new signature after your adena :D
  22. yeah i am a little naabie at this kind of programs
  23. is bad for a new-poster to unhide all topics? or disable adds?(my internet is bad w/o them..i cannot image it with them) Or the hidden section which exists for dona too Yeah,in compare to VIP the privs are less
  24. Consider of putting custom enchant system like,as the weapon enchant bicomes bigger,the possibility to enchant succesfuly become lower
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