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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. 3911
  2. who is SETH and name server? ;)
  3. 3908
  4. Parakalo mn 3anaspammareis meta edw Katalaveneis ti les?s lew warlod pezete se low -mid rate srv k oxi se star wars x500+ k apo tn stigmi p boreis na pezeis ola ta class k dn vgenei o ka8e archer na s skaei 10k sto kefali me 1.5k att spd dn einai star wars
  5. des to video os pros ti xrisimevoyn sts mid grade
  6. EXEIS PE3EI MID-LOW RATE SRV gia na milas?
  7. Otan milas k se grafoun,eite eisai Clan Leader i oxi..
  8. How much costs a flight Salonica-Crete(Chania Heraklion where you live?)
  9. i bet that if yo make a new account it will not increase in website cz it's fake
  10. 0xa0x0a0xa0x0a
  12. i know them-really bad experience believe me
  13. I will bring you 2 fat girls i know,they have money I will stay in Crete,make vacations and u enjoy them :D
  14. ti na valw gia shillien saint..dld na ts valw ena homu mia karmian BSSC k na pw <kante buffs+recharge sto pt sas> ? PP borei na paei gia pvp,EE to idio,SS omws einai apo ta pio a8lia class,giati einai mono support..to pio a8lio prophecy..(Borei na kanw summoner)
  15. wait..it's the 3rd day after scholl close..in summer i will wake up ~12-2
  16. it's fuckin morning,i woke up 30 min before,and you want me to spam?grrrrrrrr(previously i went to press 'post' and i pressed donate..)
  17. I donot like it :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSCrRhha1Y
  18. i prifer opening thi windoou
  19. 3903
  20. ta guide t Phoenix4 einai outdated..exei kairo na to update San AIO logika 8a xrisimopoii8ei t `Νamine®
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. best renders from photo can be taken in >Hellbound clients the SS quality is just AMAZING there go at a server,(maybe gm server)make items and take ss
  23. I have it over 4 months none sh1t like this happened but i haven't installed,everytime i press 'Run' (not install)
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