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Everything posted by Ioane

  1. mai am putin...am facut cv posturi azi :))
  2. nice job man :...i'll take it....i wanna try :P
  3. omg man....gj P...really...i'm glad to use these hacks....i will be the best player :Pthanks :P
  4. omg man...very usefull guide...i wanna make a cs server...bacause i always want my srv :x...so uh helped me a lot :P
  5. i chosed 1.6:P...bacause a lot of servers are 1.6...and on 1.6 work more hacks :))
  6. ai nev de adena aia?:))...nu mi-o trm mie ?:D
  7. omg man...is very nice...i wanna join rpg club :P...i thnnk 15 x...and i heard that work's....:P...thanks again :P
  8. plm raule...la cne ai dat uh peste 10 k adena ma...si mie nu mi-ai dat?:))...plm Addy dc nu da nimik...ca ii cumpar vreo 17 k adena :|
  9. sa vedeti maine la sc ce spam fac:X....crek fac maine 900 pg:P...sa nu-mi spuneti mie ioane :))
  10. bine ma....suntem romani...ne ajutam unu pe altu....oricum dak o sa fiu doantor....(sper)...osa primiti inapoi ce mi-ati dat:|
  11. omg man you helped me a lot :....i'm just booored to click and click and click and click again :P
  12. nope....i try it in 4 different servers...and don't work :p....l2java,knockout,atlantis and dominion :P....on thesse srv dont work :P
  13. da?=))plm...m-am lasat pacalit=))...oricum...am vb mult prin pm cu el....si o zis sa merg pe alte zone...sa farmez=))....o zis ca nu iau ban =))
  14. omg....tottaly wrong...you try to play with OL\WC in olly?...is not so easy....in pvp too....not only buffs...ritual...heal...low rate....high rates....is kinda hard to play with ol\wc....have a lot of seals....you dont know what seal to use...etc...so i dont think is so easy to play:P...
  15. nu ma...domne feri...brbma duc sa-mi fac tema la mate=))
  16. the video is not working...because is very old?:)....anyway....anyone try it and can tell me if this work?:)...thank
  17. am primit iarasi adena...200...de la wierd...e un om bun ....:P
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