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Everything posted by Ioane

  1. man...is a very nice guide...i never play gladi before....but ...when i watch this guide...make me wanna try it :P...thanks :P
  2. omg....is amazing...but...i think the third video....i see that region on cabal online....or i'm wrong?...is pontus ferrum
  3. strange think....because i always know that on that zone...are only lvl 40.45 mobs...how that zone can be best farm zone?:|
  4. ii unu la tara la mne....ii cam prost...cand ii bat...are o vb proprie....Boramias pula in gura ta =))
  5. eah...price is 2 k adena....at ioane...he wanna buy donator member
  6. lol ivory?....i allways think that pi is the best zone for farming:|
  7. ne-a ajuytat mult=))... tinkie....ce clasa esti?:))
  8. sp ma ba.....dute pwnzor...continui eu cu spamu:))
  9. eu adena nu consum ...omg...o tot strang...ca mai am putin si iau donator
  10. omg...cum sa nu stii sa faci gotza pai?=))
  11. eu plaesc 30 lei...cu net de 4 mb...si descarc cu 6=))
  12. spam spam psam psma psmap smap mspam psm pamspsmap sap m
  13. baaa...la sore nu io facut nimeni logo?
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