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Everything posted by Paul_Greatest

  1. It's problems with some packet, that l2net "not understand correct". It's need in script, to fix it.
  2. ahah it's Russian base in ukr))
  3. you shire that Russia want? It's Crimea and this citizens want to be in Russia, they asked us to connect them. So not be fooly by your tv. I saw what showed on TV in Europe about that, it's don't have any real connection with facticial situation.
  4. oh about what kind of shit you speaking?
  5. For money everything possible ::)
  6. Any shop that could deliver to Russia, for example I need in exhaust sytem (original).
  7. If I'm not wrong, there is only offers to sell the car.
  8. On ebay a lot of details is not presented. :)
  9. Guys, hello! May be some of you know any web shop/market with BMW parts? IIntresting in parts for F10. Thanks in advance!
  10. iPhone optimization not need in such hardware,it's shows more higher results,in games for ex. soo don't think about any droid devices !
  11. iPhone 5 or 5S and nothing else!
  12. See you ingame!)
  13. oh really?)) with online over 11000?))
  14. It's modified, and now also gameplay is in English
  15. New servers info added
  16. Can't wait for release! AC the best series of games!
  17. Hello guys! I want to share with you some intresting way to have bot on any Interlude server. It's not mine product, but well known by me guy. He support his product, always update and improove it. So I'm try to give you more info. It's cost 400RUB(~13.60$) and signature to your hardware. (you could pay by credit card) 1st you need to register there http://board.4bot.ru/register.html 2nd You need to top-up (from this page http://cp.4bot.ru/index.php?do=profile ) 3rd Download Walker IG 4th do that : !! Before use, recommend removing the old system and download the updater with a patch or new!! Usage: 1. We throw in the game folder (system) 3 file d3d9.dll, 0xzz.dll, ItsData.dat 2. Start the game. 3. Configure the desired settings. 4. Run the configured shortcut. To use the cards, place cards (dat files) to the root of the drive where you installed the game (note the game is in your C: \ Games \ Lineage2 \ a card to put in the C: \ MAPS) ALARM.WAV for Sound Alert is best put in the same system 5th Run La2 and enter LoginID (it;s shows on site cp.4bot.ru ) 6th Wait for activation Answer if you have any questions!
  18. Dad's car is Range Rover Vogue... So this topic still actual)
  19. Hey guys,may be someone of you understand smt. in auto-sound,what could you offer for nice subwoofers to car? I thought about Hertz or KICKER... any advices!!
  20. Guys this server really cool,optimized for all of us=)))
  21. Who want to Russia??))
  22. Ohh can't wait for this game=)))
  23. это уже давным давно не работает....
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