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Everything posted by jimca

  1. file apo oti kserw oxi, auto pou einai gnwsto oti mporeis na deis einai thn life cp mana kai lvl. twra an iparxei kati allo de to exw vrei akomh.
  2. orea ta les file mia xara. gia pes mou gia protocol 152 pou pezw pou einai o official prepei na allaksw to system me to diko sou ?? giati oog to douleuw alla ig exw provlhma gt vriskei to IPJACK san hacking tool any help ??ty
  3. yesterday this topic was not hide. anyway i read it and it didnt work in l2off .
  4. what exactly does this i just c/p them inside my system/folder ??
  5. kalo file tha to dokimasw :P apla den mou douleuei to walker sto server pou pezw... :'(
  6. hi guys can you explain me a little what is this token and why exist? if the server that i play has this fyyre's token changer dll and i do as this guide says i can use the walker ?? i am sorry but i just don't know pls be patient with me :)
  7. 1. /target Gargoyle 2. /attack 3. /delay 60 akou egw pws to douleuw kati xronia twra :P 1. /target (ena name apo ti mobs exete konta sas ) otan to arxisa na xrisimopoiw macros den evaza katholou name alla kateutheian me /nexttarget ... 2. /attack 3. /delay 60 4. /pickup \ 5. /pickup / to vazw diplo gt mporei na pesoun panw apo 2 pragmata kai eksalou den me xalaei :) 6. /nexttarget 7. /attack 8. /delay 60 .... vasika etsi ksekinisan ta prwta bots :) mpravo file kali douleia gia to posts. apla na kserete oti ta makro mporoun na paroun konta stis 40 entwles kai na kanoun polla pragmata opws me ena koumpi na kanei kateutheian to party member sou target na kanei assist kai na varaei. ALLA polles fores kolane gt distixws den exoun kanei poli kali douleia me ta macros epeitides vevaia gia na min psilo botaroume. elpizw na psaxtite perissotero exoun polles leitourgeies kai an thelete mporw na postarw kai alla. :D
  8. re file nomizw oti den exeis valei kapoio arketa shmantiko opws asap = as soon as posible
  9. gia mena oloi kali einai analogws gt ton thes. o DA se pvp einai para poli dinatos gt einai tank kai exei to pet tou pragmatika an to kaneis enchant skill kovei para poli. san tank gia raid boss kai genika gia mena einai o PALADIN opou kai gia auton psifizw. angelic icon touch of life kai Soul of the Phoenix ton kanoun ton kalitero. o SK kai EV einai kai autoi poli dunatoi min ksexnate ta cupics tous kannoun papades. lifeasteal poison mp Pattc Pdef... apla tous vazw se deuteri moira apo ta humans tank. soz :P pisteuw kiolas an valeis SK,EV,DA se pvp o DA me pantrira exei nikisei. twra oso gia PALADIN pvp me DA koitaxte paladin pvp me da = paladin paladin pvp me da kai panthira = da paladin Soul of the Phoenix pvp me da kai panthira = paladin i gnwmh mou einai autoi opws kai kati allo o mastro pou leei o filos pisteuw oti den einai tank alla me kapoia skills pou exei kai full buffs exei kai poli pdef kai poli life panw apo 15k opote einai isws to xeirotero "tank" :) [move] [/move]
  10. GOOD GUIDE it really help me for this forum :P
  11. gia vista treksto san administrator kai tha deis ;)
  12. mr oracle hi :P if i copy/paste this files of yours it gonna work with my server ???
  13. to l2 net pantws douleuei apsoga ston elixir an iparxoun polla atoma pou den mporoun na peksoun me to l2net apla na mou poune na kanw ena guide. gia IG fisika pou einai kalitero kata tin gnwmi mou.
  14. hv = ??
  15. thanks man and with fast dl :)
  16. man when we say imba its like we say this player is imbalanced due to + weapons/armors etc so the pvp with him is unbalanced cause we have low items for our lvls. so imba=imbalanced player. and you can ask also dota players you will see that they we say the same. OFC MANY THINGS FROM THIS ISNT CORRECT but we use them for (less talk ,more exp/more catastrophe of our brain ) :P
  17. soz i find it :)
  18. pou mporw na mathw ti akrivos kanoun ta token kai an xrisimopeio o server pou pezw paradeigma o l2elixir? anyone ?
  19. y me too the same problem. i will try again anyway thank for post HACKS LOVER
  20. great post it just has everything. thank you i wish i can karma you :P
  21. thank you bro u have my respect.
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