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Everything posted by removed_001

  1. exei xanaginei auto to pragma kai legete pvp/pk reward apla ec to ekanes coin reward lock the topic
  2. 1on h exeis argo internet 2on exeis polly ping ston internet s 3on mallon o server dn douleuei kanonika 4on o upologisths p shkwnei ton server einai polu argos
  3. 1st : i want to create a skill 2nd : i want an item that when u press it, it will automatically gives u that skill sb do that for me plz? and no do that just show me how or tell me the code plz!
  4. man plz tell me which line u changed to make that skill plz...
  5. i found it but if i want to make the siege in monday for example??
  6. Hey max cheaters hear that how can i change the time of sieges and tha days??
  7. u dont have installed the init.py or do not import the custom try it again dude
  8. akou ti eine katevase allo patch kai pare to sysmsg.dat kai eise gg.. kapoia line leipei h einai kenh prospathhse to
  9. this is in the navicat problem i swer i had it before....try to eecute again the npc classes or then it is ur java
  10. i agree sb should decrease sure the archer/dagger critical and the m.att of the spellhowel. he gets about 25-30k if u know to play well ^_^
  11. its the glow from eh.... how we say the sword akamanah?
  12. put a ss ppl......we cant see what area is that and how it look like
  13. file xryskom. to ekana egw prwsopika auto alla kathes seira m bgazei kai error....epishs kiala share apo autous tous duo dn douleuoun epishs kai lene oti ftew egw.....dld eleos....dika tous lathoi einai autoi xrhsimopoioun palia system kai afteme emeis meta?
  14. exactly the vesper armor what all say thanx and thanx its vesper dudes look that
  15. and where it says itemId == itemID) i put my own?
  16. thay are just some herow weapons and some b,c grade reformed to s omg wtf?
  17. best is mw has a lot of customization in cars and second comes the underground 2 official voting
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