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Everything posted by Linkinparcito

  1. Work for me!!! Im a hero now!! :D
  2. Nice man! I'll use it in my serv0 :)
  3. The file was infected, just disable your antivirus!
  4. Olddie but useful! Thx for sharing :)
  5. I tested Fifa 10 and PES 2010...with out a doubt I choose PES 2010, the only thing that I really hate, NO LAN! Damn!
  6. Very intelligent! Thx for share it! Now I can use dash more faster ^^
  7. Hi everyone, share with u this simple script but very usefull when ur lazy xD Bye bye ;)
  8. Bebeto.Leo ;) call anytime u want ^^
  9. Funny game...at the start, after 2 hs u want to jump out the windows xD
  10. TH it's too balanced, but GH it's better in PVP...
  11. OMG! excellents screenshots! great job! :D
  12. Kamael with out a doubt!
  13. What a awesome idea!! Great Job!! Luck with you're project! ;)
  14. That was a good idea, but u can't kill Valakas or another dungeon RB alone man. But anyway, Thx for sharing ;)
  15. Works for me!!! thx very much man!
  16. Oh My God!! One of my favourite films!! Im gonna spend all my time playin' this! haha :D
  17. the girl next door, The butterfly effect, Back to the future (all of them) Harry potter ;)
  18. Fifa street! its a kinda different, love it ^^
  19. Arcana Mace, Dual Damascus, Draconic Bow rulez
  20. Beautiful! pretty awesome :D thx for share
  21. Modern Warfare!!! :love:
  22. This game will own! Love this kind of game!! :D
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