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Everything posted by Erol

  1. it's not a virus. it's just a bug on how to advertise what they need. just that when you click it, it will be redicted at your profile. S on, a friend of you will see it, will click it, his friend will see it, will click it and like this continue ...
  2. i have a friend named Gogle. ;)
  3. I see that only Crystalin had read well the topic and respect this point :P
  4. because there is always new topic made by noobs who don't even read the rules. It's not our (mods) fault. Btw do you want me to make an avatar for you? asd asd
  5. Erol

    *[ AUTO MANIA ]*

  6. ye, i'll edit first 2-3 pages then i will fix every new topic created or if any topic from page 4 come to 1 (which i doubt but w/e :P)
  7. Stupid Pointless Annoying Message
  8. let me tell you ppl. at the end the winners will be decided by all judgers. But judges will have veto vote for their section. Like CS judge will give definitive for CS shares till now. L2 judge for l2 section. WOw for wow and so on Anyway we have enough time till then. For now let's keep focused on sharing. ;)
  9. at l2 private server section, there is an option to show thread by prefix or without it. mostly ppl who'll prefer gracia will come and click to gracia prefix. So who didn't made his prefix will just low the chances for his topic to be seen. Anyway sorry for delay. I have to eat now and after 3 hours i will start fixing all those topics. Today all LOL section will be done and 5 first pages of private servers will be done too. (since after page 5 i guess those servers are gone)
  10. Nvm Also i have a feeling he will be next Finito. ;)
  11. Erol

    *[ AUTO MANIA ]*

    god bless him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDi0MZJZ-w0&feature=related
  12. Erol

    *[ AUTO MANIA ]*

    drifting had start being developed even here in Albania. We were doing even some drag races at an old airport out of service (legal ones at start), but an idiot noob killed himself on that airport trying to do spectacle with his motorbike, so police closed the airport and called the races illegal.
  13. Erol

    *[ AUTO MANIA ]*

    i watched this video lot of times and still i'm not 100% sure if there was a driver driving that car or an alien. jeez. watch it all, it's a masterpiece.
  14. Erol

    *[ AUTO MANIA ]*

    So, HD. and what an intro. i though greeks weren't so crazy about cars & drifting. :)
  15. All done. ____________________________ For G Mods.
  16. yes do you like bannana?
  17. rules done. In some minutes i'll edit all those tittles.
  18. you can give to your friend. or make a new acc. just +1 karma abviously to announce as: "1st winner of contest 2011"
  19. winner of 1st place will be rewarded with VIP membership. (Thnx Maxtor ;))
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201848.0 Locked.
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