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Everything posted by Erol

  1. why you wanna delete it? If it is just for nickname you can request to admin to change your name.
  2. we don't ban ppl for making names close to yours tho. (or "stealing names" how you called it)
  3. /facepalm It was removed yesterday by Maxtor.
  4. you had it on your profile. How the hell you never did it?
  5. how about i start posting all flames you did against this forum, me and Maxtor and old mods at gost of your forum every time you got banned ?? anyway, everything will be more clear in near future.
  6. ye me too. Who wouldn't agree with "comblex"
  7. ok "comblex" guy want more info or i lock this topic?
  8. because your PMs get always ignored due to it's stupidness ... ... doesn't mean that my PMs should get ignored too.
  9. i love my fanbois topics. anyway, Maxtor and me saw what you did. And Maxtor knows well since he was the one who removed your advertisment. You throw up your chance. even that you got unbanned you were using your profile for your forum's profit. using eost for your own profits. using the forum generaly for your own profits. ___________________ and what the hell means comblex ??
  10. Erol


    you got banned by Maxtor with my request. Even that he gave you a second chance, you throw it out by keeping advertising lecching forum. /end.
  11. that's why i always suggest to make (or talk about) big changes at staff section. In public the white become black. @ all members: Make as much as you can pics of spam section, eost, gost and other topics. We'll miss these times ;)
  12. locked. If you ever update the video, PM me.
  13. He fucked up all our rules made by years. >:( i was checking if i lost anything else. :(
  14. CIA can extract oil even from all your posts. ________________________________________ VIVA GADDAF
  15. i'm sure Obama will attack your group too now. :(
  16. Theme: my current sig Text: Erol Subtext: Women should be trained for combat, so that they do not become easy prey for their enemies (if that looks long, just writte it: Woman PowaH !!!)
  17. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/facts-about-muammar-gaddafis-beautiful-virgin-kil read all points ::)
  18. i'm trying to reduce some of your new stupid incoming PM's to enter in that world. :P
  19. it's a preparation for April fool. asd asd
  20. i've seen many dead forum's warriors till now. :P
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