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Everything posted by Erol

  1. @ lightmagik In a coup d'etat everyone, even the countries with most democracy act on same way. You can't see in countries like USA coz they have such as a shiny CIA and other intelligence agencies which do all the work. They have some good journalists which can change the people's mind at anytime. However, what happend at Libya wasn't worse then Egypt. and those dead numbers aren't true aswell. All came out by CNN. Anyway it's no one business to decide what Libyan ppl want. A presidencial democracy, a parlament democracy, a monarchy or a nazism. And USA is not attracted only by oil. USA hate muslim countries at all. you greek ppl may know that here in Albania at 21 January were killed 4 ppl on demonstrate. There was an attempt for a coup d'etat. In any case, any time, any country the govern act like this. it is like an army law. "Do not shoot against demonstrators but kill all the organisators" - this is applied even on democracy on coup d'etat or when have to do with rebels like africa, asia and niddle east had lately. wanna knows smth more. USA went on side of our govern and against opossite (which was shoot by police). They didn't even said that what was done was wrong or smth like that. It's so funny to see how ridiculous are americans from real and not by TV. @ Intrepid: Dude you just remind me the ppl who get confused of watching soo much news on TV Was this part of justice too?? C'mon. Watch it with volume on.
  2. guess update dunno coz i haven't istalled IE since my last format till i saw IE 9 somewhere on internet. (i installe dit myself)
  3. you guys should read news more often. Civilians are being killed more and harder at yemen + Bahrein then in Libya. Why they didn't went to help faster Yemen + Bahrein ? Oh wait they don't have enough oil. In Saudi Arabia a murderous regime routinely imprisons and tortures those who seek change, while the West turns a blind eye. Why? Because Saudi Arabia has plenty of oil and a compliant autocracy. And why is the West now going after Gadaffi? Obviously not because of the way he treats his people, or they would going after Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia as well. The one and only reason is because Libya has the richest vein of high-quality oil in the world. It's all about oil and nothing to do with human rights. So let's stop pretending otherwise. Libya holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa. According to the 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey, Libya had proved oil reserves of 41.464 billion barrels at the end of 2007 or 3.34 % of the world's reserves. The problem is, there is a lot of uncertainty about the facts and the decision to attack Gaddafi's army does not seem to have been conditioned on the full set of facts. What fraction of Libya's population supports Gaddafi? Is it 5%, 30%, or 60%? The US got into one war (Iraq) by lying about the danger to the world and then proceeded to manage the intervention with innovative incompetence. God what technology at news can do to ppl. people nowdays believe everything they see/hear on TV. What was found on Iraq ?? Nothing, nothing, nothing. __________________________________________________________________________________
  4. doing test in the air or ocean?? C'mon lol which country was ever harmed by those weapons?? By USA i can say Hiroshima.
  5. pathetic is USA who attacked Iraq for atomic weapons and found a shit. Pathetic is USA who want/will attack Iran for atomic weapons and will find a shit. Only USA on this planet ever used atomic weapons. No one else ever used or ..... ever had?!
  6. Yugoslavia means Slavic ppl of south. dude serbians aren't part of history. they were just slavic ppl who moved from 1 land to another till they made a new country after many eras. it's like today i call some friends of mine from albania, macedonia, greece, turkey. We make revolts from 1 land to another. we create like our own family. we don't marry with ppl which are out of our family. we set up own rules of society. and like this way with hopping at year 3456 we make our own country. This is how is made Serbia (Yugoslavia).
  7. jeez dude you want to take a look at history?? really? ok let me tell you smth ... albanian (including kosovo) are descend of Illyria. when Illyria, ancient greece, thrace, macedonia exist serbia didn't exist at all. Kosovo never been an serbian land. Serbia never been an ancient country at all. @ Intrepid: i'm sure it's all about oil. And the price of oil was increased since USA conquer Afghanistan and continuing with Iraq. You know it's all about "monopoly"
  8. lol do you know at least who stimulated those revolts?? anyway it's like i come at your home and kill you because you kicked the ass of your wife. It's not none business to enter on inside conflicts of none country. Genocide was the one who made Serbia to Kosovo. There were found lot of massive graves. Just like nazists did with jewish. At lybia ghadaf is attacking only rebels which have nothing to do with people. Lybian people have abandonded their country. 60% of population is out of lybia. most of them went to Italy.
  9. why so suprised? all world know it http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-03-20/news/29148083_1_gaddafi-libyan-capital-surface-to-air-missiles
  10. @ SpraytoNNN™ : i really wanted to make a sonversation with ppl about this subjet but let me tell you that mxc was the last place i would make a conversation about politics/economy. Libya, Libya, Libya .......... Anyway, about what happend at middle east and north african countries, 1 thing i have sure in my mind. All those protests weren't natyral ones. Ofc, i disslike the way USA act with some countries, especialy with Muslim ones. Gadaff was friend of all countries, USA, England, Italy and specialy France. Is one of the richest man of the world. At Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara had been occured the same scenario. Isn't a concidence to see same scenario at african countries and middle east too. and in so many countries. Imo it's all about the Oil. We all know that arabs are very rich due to their oil. However it's god damn not fair to take their oil. Now let's bring to you a real fact. I had a cousin of me at Iraq 3 times, Afghanistan 2 times, and Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 time. At Iraq he was a general. and he told me some of his real stories. some stories that even now-days with such a technology of information, normal ppl can never get. 1 week before ground attack of USA (or during air-to-ground atack) over Iraq there were send special forces to Oil deposits. After Iraq was conquered, he saw one day a auto column 5 kilometers long. at middle of road were oil bots, at righ and left of oil bots were humvees and at the top were helicopters. It's all about monyes, even USA don't care about human rights or wtf ppl believe more.
  11. i prefered firefox too, even more then chrome. but this IE 9 is like firefox + chrome. It just attracted me so much as the first day.
  12. in fact IE 9 is better then firefox. Not better then chrome yet, but it passed firefox. Oh wait, IE 9 was released 6 days ago and started downloaded 2 days ago. you'll see that soon IE 9 will pass even chrome. There's a big invest and development on it.
  13. what were you doing on that moment? what item you had in action?
  14. Internet Explorer version 9 has been completely revamped from the older software versions and has basically become more modern. IE9 is much better than IE8 in terms of performance, adherence to web standards, user interface and security. But no Windows XP support. Graphics-accelerated hardware; better JavaScript performance; cleaner interface; better security. Internet Explorer slightly gained market share in February with a global market share of 56.8 per cent, compared with 56 per cent in January, according to NetMarketShare. In the same period, Google’s Chrome browser gained 0.23 per cent while the biggest loser was Firefox, dropping a full percentage point to 21.74 per cent. IE9 is supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. IE9 for Windows Server 2008 R2 is a 64-bit-only option. Windows XP systems are not supported, even though XP is installed on most of the world’s desktops, and all IE9’s competitors support XP. Features User interface enhancements Perhaps the biggest change users will notice when installing IE9 is the cleaner, less fussy interface, which now includes a combined search and URL address bar. Another neat feature is "pinned websites", which allows users to attach web sites to the Windows Task bar or start menu, or drag it onto the desktop, making the pinned web site simulate the characteristics of locally installed Windows applications Another benefit for users is IE9's "jumplists" feature. These save time by letting IE9 users jump straight to specific points on firms' web sites without having to click several links to get there. You also do not need to bookmark the link you are trying to access – the web site has done that for you. However, the feature needs to be supported by the web site the user is visiting, and has to be coded into the web pages. Security enhancements Among the security enhancements Microsoft has added to IE9 are a dedicated download manager enabling IE9 to check downloaded files for malware, ActiveX filtering, and also tracking protection. A download manager has been a critical omission from previous versions of IE, and Microsoft has finally addressed this problem. Clicking the "view downloads" button gives an estimated time left for the download and the current data transfer rate IE9 download manager After downloading, the file is scanned for viruses with Microsoft’s own technology, before you can run the file. ActiveX-filtering and tracking protection Hitting Tools > Safety allows users to switch on ActiveX-filtering, a security option which gives users the option to manage ActiveX controls, which are normally used to add functions to web sites. ActiveX controls could easily introduce security and/or privacy issues when users are web browsing and this feature provides added protection. Tracking protection enables users to allow or block web sites from tracking and reporting their browsing habits on specific web pages. In the tools drop-down, selecting tracking protection starts a pop-up box which can be edited to define which content providers you want to block. Performance enhancements JavaScript performance A lot of development has gone into IE9’s JavaScript engine, codenamed Chakra, making it a much better performer than the earlier IE8 engine. Chakra compiles JavaScript in the background on a separate CPU core (if any are available) in parallel with running IE. Graphics hardware acceleration A big plus with IE9 is its implementation of graphics hardware acceleration through support for the HTML5 canvas element. With canvas supported, IE9 draw commands bypass the software rendering engine and go directly to users' onboard graphics card, allowing a 2D drawing surface without requiring a plug-in to be downloaded. An indication of the quality of the graphics acceleration is offered by Microsoft's Fish Tank demo, a web page allowing IE to show its graphics hardware acceleration prowess. The main parameter in the demo is the number of fish that can be rendered at a specific number of frames per second. We used our Labs Core 2 Duo laptop with an onboard nVidia GeForce 8600M graphics subsystem. IE9 rendered 1,000 fish at between 38 frames per second (fps) and 45fps on a 1,200x600-pixel window Google Chrome 10 shows 1,000 fish between 10fps and 11fps. However, once you have set the flags to enable graphics card acceleration, Chrome 10 can render 1,000 fish between 35fps and 39fps. Opera Software ASA's Opera 11.01 browser is set to roll out graphics hardware acceleration soon, but currently accelerates 1,000 fish between 7fps and 9fps. Add-on management Microsoft has rejigged its add-ons manager to cut the time it takes for the browser to start. On our Windows 7 Ultimate system, for example, one of the gas guzzlers is an HP Print Enhance function which Microsoft's add-on manager calculates adds 1.64s to the start process Browser-based battery life conservation Microsoft has tried to reduce the power consumption of IE9 by adding a parameter in the control panel power options to change the JavaScript Timer Frequency to save power when laptops, netbooks and other mobile devices are not connected to mains power The IE9 beta introduced hardware acceleration from the GPU for rendering web pages, improving the speed at which graphics are drawn onscreen. This was a major leap forward, and with the rise of browser games like Farmville, it could win over fans of rich web apps. WEBM: Want to use WebM? Install the codec and IE9 RC will use it if the web site requests it A lot of Redmond's claims about IE9 cite its performance in the Sunspider JavaScript benchmark test, and Microsoft has put a lot of work into improving its results. Cynics would say this was been done to avoid a panning in head-to-head comparisons with its rivals, and they might have a point. 2D: IE9 includes CSS 2D support, which is what makes these postcards sit at a jaunty angle New look: A slightly different interface; Hide Tabs moves down and Suggested Sites arrive If you're using a Balanced or High Performance plan, more resources are routed to the browser. If you're using a laptop away from the mains and you're in Power Saver mode, the number of call-backs is limited. SAVE POWER: If you're on a notebook and you're running on battery, IE9 slows its timer right down to save power IE9 is no “Chrome killer” but instead functions more similar to its competitor. The two (IE9 and Chrome) will be separated into two markets and will obviously garner their own user base. Users switching between the two browser types will not be disappointed either way provided Microsoft developers can weed out some of the initial IE9 performance issues. There are benefits to using IE9 over Chrome like the shortcut/direct link pinning option, and the ability to still watch playing videos while dragging a tab. Internet Explorer 9 is a little more beefed up on the security front when compared to Chrome, which means a safer browsing experience for average users. Compability view: websites designed for older browsers will often look better and problems such as out-of-place menus, images or text will be corrected. Download Internet Explorer 9 here -> http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/downloads/ie __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I really liked it, it worth a try.
  15. ye :P windows 7 seems good to me
  16. w/e myself, i'm getting so familiary with IE 9 :) (since i loved both chrome + firefox, now i find how to use them at same time) ;)
  17. IE 9 is both (chrome + firefox). add-ons are on IE 9 too. IE 9 can make the browsing faster by disabling some add-ons when you need, and activating them again later, whenever you want It have Caret browsing feature on/off Compatibility view on/off
  18. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/downloads/ie IE 9 is so close with chrome + firefox
  19. 2 million downloads of IE 9 within 2 hours
  20. Just downloaded explorer 9 seems cool till now
  21. i saw it too 3-4 years ago. But i lost some episodes of it. I saw like 60-70% of it. Anyway you know any sitte where i can find Alias? (if it's with English subtittles will be better)
  22. Topic from 28-02-2010 + it was made by devangell and criticalerror. Fixed.
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