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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Dev

    Hetzner Help GR

    Ean kapios gnwrizei kala tin eteria kai exei agorasei mhxanh dedicated gia ton server tou h kapiou gnwstou tou as kanei reply edw. Pio to problhma me to register ? To ekshs : Katarxas edw https://www.hetzner.co.za/index.php/new-profile/ zhtaei ton arithmo tou kinitou sou kai exei 11 pshfia me to +27 pou einai gia Germania gia ellada ean balw to kinitou mou me to +30 pou einai gia Ellada ta pshfia vgainoun 12 -.- Kai epipleon zhtaei kai auto edw ti einai ? ID/Social Security Number * (?)
  2. Anybody knows what I have to set to the datapack in order when they press to village they will respawn on the location I have created ?
  3. I would like to know how I can fix the fighters to take example 15 skills from the buffer , mages 10 and if they take more to start removing the buffs they have already taken I have to modify buffer's script or what ?
  4. Dev

    [Help]SMF Forum

    Can anybody help me install it cuz of this---> Install the package on the SMF Default 'Curve' Theme ONLY. Other themes will need manual edits.
  5. Sorry for the double post but I found it and for the people that dont know it , it's on VARIATION there you can modify your augment glows. Request for lock.
  6. Hey CriticalError good to see you back and trying to help men but I think you didn't understand me.. :S I dont want augmentation effect on a weapon I need something specific please read more carefully and if you dont understand I will try to explain it better. Thanks for your time ;)
  7. Dev

    [Help]SMF Forum

    What can I do to disallow proxy users logging on my forums is there a special packet for it ? Please if anybody knows just reply here thanks in advance..
  8. The old one was too old the truth is allthough , this one doesn't fit with the donators , vip and so on members colors so I suggest add a new one maybe a paid or ???
  9. Hello maxcheaters ! Well on my server I decided to make the max enchant on weapons +10 and like you already know the red augmentation effect comes at +16 on official server and as enchanting it turns to more red if you get me, at +25 is the most glowy red thunder augmentation effect , well I would like to change that +25 on augment effect to start at +8 since the max enchant is plus 10. Thanks for your time.
  10. Kserei kaneis ti SMF theme xrisimoipoiei o Ventic sto forum tou ?
  11. Na rwthsw kati asxeto ti theme xrisimopoiei o Ventic sto gp ? ;>
  12. Dev

    [Help]SMF Forum

    Can someone lock the topic I found it.
  13. Dev

    [Help]SMF Forum

    Hello Iam using SMF 2.0 RC4 and I would like to make it so , it shows how many users logged in during the day. Screenshot : Thanks in advance..
  14. Pretty cool fail with a not paid website and features that all the homemade servers have got. This is why mods accuse L2J nowdays because kiddos like you 'open' servers like this one without have any knowledge on LINEAGE II gameplay side or Development side. KKTHXBBGTFO.
  15. Thanks for your willingness for help Chandy I appreciate it , but non of these sites has them shared.
  16. Have ever those 2 armors shared in here ? I used search and I didn't find anything.
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