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About ShuN^

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  1. Your site isnt working for me
  2. Server started with 400 people on, next day there were 40
  3. Nvm my post, i got it figured.
  4. Is there any chance this can work on Smartguard protected servers? Because when i paste the files nothing happen ingame.
  5. Seems nice, sad that l2 interlude pvp rarely gets many players nowadays though. I hope this server gets a stable number or smth!
  6. When is the opening?
  7. Thank you very much, i am gonna try it out and update!
  8. Καλησπερα! Εχω το συγκεκριμενο interface και οταν το βαζω μου δινει gameguard error 124 πριν κανω login. Αυτο σημαίνει οτι εχει protection ο σερβερ ή εχω κατι λάθος στο l2 μου?
  9. Ok then ill give it a shot.
  10. It's gonna be like the rest of the servers "vote 10 times to get 1 cews" ?
  11. Is there any script or setting so you can make your char "walk" from one point to the other and use skills? For example i have a warlord and i wanna provoke an entire room for farming but in order to do that my char needs to walk back and forth. Thanks in advance.
  12. I thought the title was HIGH rate
  13. Καλημερα! Υπαρχει καποιος τροπος/προγραμμα (περα του adrenaline που χρειαζεται αγορα) για να βαζω lifestones και να κανω enchant σε interlude server?
  14. Yeah, you can get 1 or 2 here and there. I joined the server in the first hour and there were already 2-3 guys with max items +25 and augs. In order to get +25 enchants (ONLY enchants, without accessories and tattoo) you need 1200 vote medals.
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