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Everything posted by Reloop

  1. very nice! alla giati ta ekanes post sto general discussion eprepe sta exploits. Thax gia to share man.
  2. I think Surrender to wind should be first.. And also dark vortex a little later to do some extra dmg SPS: (when melle char is coming towards you from a distance) Surrender/Frost bolt/vortex/ cancel/ hydros when target near you: cancel/surrender/vortex/hydro
  3. Since its difficult to find so many titan u can use this tried setup: 1 Tank 1 EE with POW 1 SE 1 BD 5 Nukers (preferably SH) -SE and EE must have weapon with SA mana up or even conversion -Everyone has to be very carefull not to wase MP. SHs hit with hurricane/wind vortex and use BTM and healing potions all the time. -If you dont have that many SH you can take necro (its actually good to have 1 for gloom). He must use BTM all the time as well, and when HP goes low he uses CDL. -EE heals tank with major heal and pow the nukers. -SE recharges the tank and uses group heal if nuker HP too low. -Use CLARITY -SPS/SORC not recommended for this boss -All players take full PP/EE buffs before enter (you can bring a pp outside) and have greater acumen potions with them. -If you can get demons sets for the nukers its a good idea to use them inside anakazel, but tank mustn't lose aggro. -You can assign 1 SH to do surrender until its on to save MP -Necros must have their summons with beast SS on. -If the tank is DA he must use summon as well. -If you want to go with dance of shadows (its a good idea) dont use the summons until you meet anakazel or the mobs will aggro. Alternatively you can go with archer party.. I heard its effective but never tried.
  4. I know it worked in l2 core about a week ago. At some point they removed all the augmentations from the weapons and I haven't tried it since then.
  5. Maybe if you make a script, I cant think of a way to do this with normal walker commands.
  6. Yes, just run walker and crack with admin rights.
  7. Ennoei gia skills opws COV UD ktl pou kanoun 20min na gemisoun. De sou mhdenizei to reuse genika. Xrhsimo pantos thanx!
  8. Spies again?? sorce code stolen again?? they have some very good employees there in ncsoft. Maybe the have to pay them better :o
  9. Edw exw sigkentrwsei tis diafores toys sta skills wste an thelei kapoios na kanei human tank na mporei na diale3ei: PALADIN Angelic Icon -> P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, Atk. Spd. +30%,HP restored from heals -80%. HP must be < 30% Blunt = Critical Damage +100%, Sword= Critical Rate +100, duration 5min (gia to duration den eimai sigouros) Banish Undead -> Chance of fear & Lethal se Undeads Holy Blessing -> Heal Idiou power me to elemental heal twn elf, mporei omws na ginei se opoiondhpote char Holy Strike -> Damage se undead Mass Shackling -> aoe root me miso chance se sxesh me to shackle Remedy -> Cures Bleeding Sacrifice -> Monadiko heal me power diplasio apo to Holy blessing kai pio grhgoro casting. Costizei 1560 HP kai 0 MP. Kanei combo me TOL/boss jewels/prayer gia self heals me 0 MP cost Tribunal -> Dmg + Decrese Critical rate debuff Sanctuary Aegis Stance -> Shiled defence apo oles tis kateuthinseis, meiwnei omws to shiled defence(-40% shield p def) Holy Armor -> +10% dark resistance Holy Blade Touch of Life + Recovers HP,+ HP regen(?), +30% HP Healed, + 30% debuff resosistance + cancel resistance. Kanei kalo combo me to sacrifice. Trwei 1215 HP gia na to cast. Soul of the Phoenix (79 lvl skill) -> Res+Full HP/MP/CP + nobless blessing effect. Dinei pisw 100% XP - self buff DARK AVENGER Banish Seraph -> Chance of fear & Lethal se Angels Judgment -> Dmg + Decrese Critical dmg debuff Drain Health -> Dmg + Drain HP (idio me auto p exoun ta d.elf) Horror -> Fear debuff Life Scavenge -> Idio me to corpse life drain Summon Dark Panther -> Summon me stats paromia me auta twn summoner. mporei na ftasei lvl 76 an ginei +1 to skill. Kanei kalo combo me to aggression Corpse Plague Hamstring -> effect 3 slow Reflect Damage -> Reflects 20% dmg apo apla hits Touch of Death -> Trwei sxedon olo to CP (90%), cancel, decreased amount heald(-30%), decraesed debuff resistance (-30%). To HP prepei na einai < 75%. Trwei 1004 HP gia to cast Shield of Revenge (79 lvl skill) -> Reflects dmg from mellee atck skills Gia ta land rates kai ta effect pou grafw den eimai 100% sigouros kai mporei na diaferoun apo server se server. Idika ta skill tou PA einai bugarismena stous perissoterous PVP server ws e3hs: To Touch of life einai self buff. To ageis stance dinei p def. To icon den meiwnei to ammount healed.
  10. Ennoeitai oti se pvp servers ta summon einai axrista.. Alla den exw dei kanenan na kanei DA se pvp esy pou eides? Oso gia to angelic icon einai poly kalo (kai me megalo duration) alla stous perisoterous servers einai bugarismeno.. kanonika sxedpn sou axristevei to heal. Den mporw na katalavw giati thewreis ton DA toso gtp.. Tespa to metaferw se poll :p
  11. nice guide! exeis kanei diatrivh ston titan :p
  12. re c auto pou exeis grapsei gia DA gia poio cronicle einai? Anaferesai se olympiad/arena pvp h gia open field?
  13. lol.. kalo auto :p
  14. come on.. the probability to make a +16 is 0.45% (less than 1 out of 200 weapons will make it) and its s-grade. He either wasted a fortune e-baying or used an exploit... I think its an exploit.
  15. thanx for sharing this! anyone tested the carck? EDIT: I tested the crack and it works fine.. Can you send a guide for how to connect to a server with L2 Control?
  16. I think there is e setting for mob and you can define a mob as "colony" type.. I've never used it though.. maybe doesn't do anything
  17. Kai egw mallon elixir tha soy proteina, an kai einai mlkia auto pou eixe ginei me ta bots..
  18. Is there a list with the classes and the skills? I cant find it. Graphics look cool I am downloading some videos! EDIT: There are 3 Factions (Races) and 8 classes to choose from
  19. Very nice bosses what lvl are they?
  20. E oxi kai poio axrhstos char to L2 o DA.. (Milaw gia low rate MONO) IMO o DA einai apo tous kalhterous kai poio xrhsimous char gia low rate giati leitourgei apsoga san tank kai an 3ereis na ton paizeis einai poly kalos gia pvp. Mhn 3exnas oti mporei na mhn exei heal gia to pet exei omws aggression kai an einai buffarismeno to panther kanei trello dmg (opws ola ta summon). Epishs exei shield slam, slow, drain, majesty, shackle, TOD (oxi arrest opws o TK).. ti allo thes dld? O PA epishs poly kalos, symfwnw. Genika theorw oti an kanei kapoios tank a3izei na kanei mono human logo imba skill pou exoun (majesty, shield slam, shackle) to poio apo ta 2 tha kanei e3artatai apo to pws toy aresei na paizei. Telos de nomizw na exei nohma na sigkrineis summoner me DA.. o summoner einai assistant tou pet sthn ousia kai kanei 0 dmg enw me ton DA ginetai to antitheto. To Djmad: Den einai aparethta etsi.. o sorc einai axristos se sxesh me tous allous magous. O monos logos pou kapoioi akoma ftiaxoun se low rate einai hte giati den 3eroun hte giati tous aresei to animation tou prominence:p Gia poio logo na kanw sorc kai oxi SPS h SH? den prosferei tpt.. Oso gia ton SH overall einai o kalhteros magos.. kai san na mhn eftane auto tou dwsan kai empowering echo sto kamael (anti na dwsoun kati stous sorc).
  21. is this an http proxy? this is an alternative http://proxy.org/cgi_proxies.shtml
  22. botting allowed/working there?
  23. doulevei kanonika to stuck augment ston core. EDIT: shmera aferesane ola ta augments, mprei na to ftia3ane..de to dokimasa
  24. Kaneis to allience me ketra orcs quest gia na to xrhsimopoihseis. An thymamai kala prepei na pareis allience lvl 2. To q to perneis apo ena orc npc pou einai ligo poio e3w apo godardd phgenontas gia ketra orc outpost
  25. egw exw lvl 10 might passive mono gia pvp omws. To augment htan me top lvl 76 ls. Genika an pareis active/passive skill me tetoia ls tha einai lvl 10..
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