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Everything posted by Reloop

  1. do u know wich client l2rev uses? It has 4 links on the site, 2 of which is hellbound and 2 gracia pt2. I dont have neither so I need to know which to d/l..
  2. Well then.. here is a challenge for u: (l2 elixir) http://world-of-l2.com/ I would be greatful if u could give some solution.
  3. works.. thanx 4 share mpj :D Btw do u play at this server? is it good?
  4. Fortune seeker is one of the worst classes in oly.. if not the worst. The only way to win is to have better euipment than the opponent and use the armors wisely (e.g against mages wear an nightmare light or a tallum robe). I would go for +4 STR -4 CON and a SA heal blunt plus a focus bow.
  5. dokimase na vgaleis to DX 10 kai na valeis pali 9c.. Pou vrhkes karta se AGP slot p na yposthrizei DX10???
  6. Private x10 gia na matheis ton char kala kai epeidh exei poio normal pvps (oxi 1-2 hit).. Se x1000 enas p den exei pai3ei pote L2 den nomizw na katalavei tpt, tha xasei thn mpala me ola auta ta items kai ta buffs, einai kaloi omws gia na deis poios char s aresei.
  7. smart one.. thanx
  8. Works 100% tested :p
  9. hopzone ftw.. You get the most info about the servers.
  10. LOL aptaisth metafrash! I dont know what you are tring to say but this post is about a macro program.. btw which translator did you use?
  11. To slow/normal/fast ktl sta opla afora to attack speed kai oxi to casting speed.
  12. I think its a game guard problem. Try downloading a game guard killer for gracia part2 form here: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2pt2_nogg.rar And/or try to add this line to you hosts file: nprotect.lineage2.com Hope this helps P.S. I have never used this link and cannot guarantee its virus-free, however I trust this guy..
  13. +12 dex on an adventurer after putting some dyes.. I am still tring to figure out how it happened
  14. Prepei na katevaseis to IG walker 1.78 fixed gia interlude (me ena search tha to vreis) me to crack kai to hosts file. trexeis to crack kai to walker me admin rights.
  15. Exoun 3anaginei request gia auto alla kamia apanthsh dystyxws..
  16. Cancel = 600 range (opws ta perissotera debuffs) frost bolt/ice dagger= 900 range (opws ta nukes) Kai ennoeitai oti to frost bolt einai axristo se pvp me mage.. Me tank/titan/glady omws metraei giati tous kanei slow apo poio makria (einai omws effect 2)
  17. E kala mi prospatheis na dwseis RPG e3hghsh sta skill toy l2.. den exei tetoio vathos to game. An htan etsi oute ta DE buffers tha eprepe na exoun heals :p Epishs to spoil ti akrivws kanei se ena mob kai sou petaei perissotera items??? To IamAlone: Symfwnw.. Idika an oi antipaloi den niwthoun poly kai de ri3oun to summon o DA spernei.
  18. But you'll increase his mdef too... and how will a SR keep aggro over the 30 mages hitting valakas without aggression skill??
  19. Auto den einai bug...
  20. Pistevw a3izei na valeis +MEN -INT se warlock anti gia +DEX -STR, ektos fysika an exeis augment nuke. Einai h monh class pou mporei na valei tetoia dye xwris na xreiazetai to INT kai pistevw mdef > speed. To evasion einai etsi kai alliws xamhlo idika an kratas aspida..
  21. To paidi ta eipe ola. Htan pou htan imba o SH tou dwsan kai empo echo (pote de katalava me pia logikh to dwsan mono se SH) gia na ginei top magos kai sta pvp. Gia sorc den to sizhtaw einai o poio nerfed mhn kanete.. o Sps exei ena mikro pleonektima sta base stats (+1 DEX +1 CON, -2 STR) se sigkrhsh me SH, curses me range 900 pou exei mono autos (freezing strike, frost bolt), kai cancel. Opote metraei akoma gia pvp.. Necro genika statherh a3ia, pistevw swsta den ton boostaran allo meta to interlude giati exei ena karo curses+ summon... den htan gia na pernei kai extra dmg skills. Fysika psifizw SH! To soul of phoenix: Apo oti kalava ennoei oti me toso megalo m attack tha se ri3ei me ligotera hits se ena PVP, gia auto eipe einai 8ema deuterolepton na sou fugei olo to HP. An to skefteis apo th stigmh pou anevenei toso poly to m attack kaneis to idio dmg 3odevontas to idio MP (mporei kai ligotero), to kaneis omws poio grhgora. Oso gia thn nc soft pragamtika amfivalw an to skeftikan poly.. den vriskw kamia logikh na to parei o sh. Tha htan logiko na to dwsoun ston sorc mono kai se kanena allo mago.
  22. If it works its awsome you could xp a mage non-stop. Anyone tried it at OFF IL servers? Thanx 4 sharing.
  23. I agree.. Normally they will be no drops, expet if the dmg sourse isnt be recognised by the server, but if u tried it to low lvl RBs and dropped stuff maybe thats the case.. Anyway its usefull for killing quest rbs so thanx 4 sharing :D
  24. In interlude OLY u can buff urself fast when u tp in the stadium and after 30 sec your MP/CP is fully restored. If that's not the case in your server equip mana up/conversion weapon before teleported. Recharge can be used onself only on C5. Cheap shot of course doesnt work this way
  25. h monh light pou tha evaza se summoner einai h blue wolf. An mporeis na kaneis mia +6 einai mia xara. Alliws tallum/dc/majestic robe gia na exeis megalo casting. H douleia sou alloste einai na healareis to summon kai esena oso poio grhgora ginetai kai na kaneis debuffs gia na energopoihthoun ta cubics. Me tallum kai exontas dye +4MEN -4INT tha exeis to megalhtero m.def (+8% mdef) pou mporeis na ftaseis, kai se syndiasmo me arcane disruption kai mage bane tha eisai imba vs mages. Me dc tha exeis kalhtera stats vs figthers (+7speed kai +8% p.def) kai to idio casting alla tha pesei ligo to m.def sou. (dinei -MEN). Analoga pws thes na einai o char sou dialegeis.. Egw tha evaza mallon DC. Gia to oplo oposdhpote prepei na exeis ena me acumen mazi sou gia grhgora heals (as einai kai homu) kai mia aspida, kai apo kei kai pera mporeis na pareis duals me haste gia na kaneis hits. A kai ena bow kalo einai na exeis mazi sou alla den tha sou ftanei to varos :p :p
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