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Everything posted by Reloop

  1. Pianoun arketa bugs ston mafia, opws stuck subs, augment stuck, psa3e sto forum. Pros gerero-> Vale kai kamia telia sta post sou vre paidi mou, pare mia anasa :p
  2. poly xrhsimo kai de nomizw na mpei kaneis ston kopo na to diorthwsei :p thanx :D
  3. Thanx gia to share alla den nomizw na doulevei opws to perigrafeis.. mhpws kati leipei apo th diadikasia? se ti server to dokimases?
  4. I think u should use [/target mob] and not /target [mob] If it is like another macro prog i used before, it just sends whatever you write inside [ ] as if you write it with your keyboard
  5. yeap bnb was closed like 2-3 years ago :p I'll try the others though Is noobwars still x2?
  6. i think the next update is gracia final... that should be the last ct update
  7. to 1o idika poly xrhshmo, thanx
  8. poly palio.. fixed mallon
  9. Thanx for the reply.. RF looks too futuristic (it has robots and stuff) cabal seems nice maybe I'll try it.
  10. telika kataferes na valeis bot?
  11. poso kairo exei poy 3ekinise o cosmos?
  12. Arcana lord/ ES (oxi gia servers me +435345 weapons omws)
  13. Soz kiolas alla balacned o extreme? Gematos me sps htane..
  14. SH ftw gia low rate. An de s'aresoun oi magoi kane DA.
  15. Can you suggest any l2-like mmos? I mean the same game concept and with equal/better graphics (no toon graphics)
  16. Probably the mobs are adjusted to be equally strong.. otherwise it makes no sence. I think it would be a tie.
  17. well only if the PA desnt kill the summon first it is possible that he'll lose (but not with the euipment you describe and the dwarf holding aoba and doom). But maybe the dwarf had quick healing potions or sth.
  18. Reloop

    Wii Fit

    Wii fit parody
  19. Reloop

    My cat, Felix

    password stealing kitty? no thanx
  20. LOL its hilarious... the guy is stoned or sth and keeps hitting his head while screaming oh bitch or sth. Very good :D
  21. very nice... maybe in the next update ncsoft adopt these ideas :p
  22. Anyone knows any low rate IL off server with working walker, and good community/activity?
  23. ¿ɟʇʍ ¿uʍop ǝpısdn
  24. omg I got hypnotized :p
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