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Everything posted by anTiH3RO

  1. Works fine? Perhaps, but main architecture is a piece of khm, 'cause it never met with balance. First at all, fvcking easy to get RB jewels, so all player have great resist, but GCM is 50x harder than RB jewels, so just few ppl have enchanted debuffs like +30 Stun Shot. What does it mean? For example Archer vs SPH: archer would win with stun, but SPH have IMBA resist, so it will never land, and SPH will win 100% cause it don't have to use lot of debuffs against fighter, just surrender to wind, vortexs etc(btw place boss jewels to shop with low prices, is kinda noob thing, or instances and raid bosses aren't wrok? :P). Farming system is fvcked up either, CH has too OP drop, and normal mobs drops nothing. Ok it works, but it broadcast a lot of shame. Enchant system is fine, i like it, clan system either, but your geodata.. wait you have geodata? at Traninig Zone sph bot shot me through the wall lol. Vote system is ridicious either. At start you made the interval to 20. Now really who the fvck vote if interval is 20 with 50 ppl online? You had to put inteval to 2-3 votes, and hoho you would have a lot vote. Leveling system works either i admit it, but still ugly, and never heard about enconomy, like your whole server. PC point system isn't bad i admit it, cause ppl will be online all the time, and developed fine. Event rewards are to low, for example 1 fully sucessfull Quiz Event gives you the same GA count like u kill 1 normal Hard mob. It would be cool if you would change reward to 1gc/right answer. PvP list existing, but whats with pk, onlin etc -list? Your webpage is a complately downloaded free template, and you almost let it as the official template. Almost nothing changed. AIO item sucks, and why i can't use if i'm flagged, but i'm not in battle stance? In towns neither. BTW you have ppl, cause there are no H5 PvP servers, and you exactly know it. Ps.:
  2. isn't the best attitude. :P
  3. i'm not sure if i'm statisfied, or ashamed.
  4. Some "tricks", that i want to share with you. [glow=green,2,300]1: Main buffs[/glow] Oly Weaps: Blessed body, Mental Shield, Focus(for fighters ofc) and use Full Bottle Of Souls(no mp usage, and fast as fvck > you don't need that "Put robe on for bigger cast and noblesse 1230x on you" style) Frenzy/Zealot: How to dhp yourself? Easy! Before you teleported, equip light set what give -CON and a conversion mage weapon what remove hp but give mana, after that put on your Heavy set, and a Health SA weapon, with HP shirt, and the time came to put on your Blessed Body. If your hp still isn't under 30% don't worry! This step depends on server, but you can get it from Castle with KE, and luck. So what i'm wanted to say? Use Self Destruction talisman, what removes your HP. If you could get that talisman, equip a pole, and cast Earthquake as fast and as often as your time let you. Next step put on Zealot+Guts/Frenzy (depends on your enemy[against mage frenzy, against fighter guts]). For tyrant almost the same, with little changes. what are these changes? 1.: u officially have light set(if you go with heavy delete your Lineage) so you have to buy 1 heavy(Imperial Crusader set is the best for you at this moment), and ofc you don't have Earthquake. OL/WC/HIEP/SWS: When you put on your buffs use Conversion mage weap, so when u'll change back to acumen, or Focus/health sword(in case of sws) u'll have more mana, like when you put on ur buffs with ur main weap. BD: From dances cast only the important buffs, cause u'll don't have mana later. Conversion SA isn't work cause u need dual sword for buff, but i guess everybody know this fact. [glow=green,2,300]2.: How to know who is your opponent?[/glow] Easy. When it count down you have to click Watch Match at 1 second, and it will show you. If you fail ask one of your friend. [glow=green,2,300]3.: How to play?[/glow] Dagger: Hide>Walk to the back of your enemy>Backstab>If he/she haven't turned to you backstab again>shadow step>backstab>if you haven't win yet, lethal blow, run, lethal blow, run. Tyrant: Orge Totem, and skills. Easy. Against healer you need a Crit Stun SA Fist and Rabbit Totem+luck. Gladiator: Obviously same at PvP. Exactly, just less Sonic Buster, and you need a blunt for stuns. Titan: Buy two-handed blunt, and use your stuns, you have 3. Dwarf: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=275320.new#new Archer: Run or die. The worst class for oly, but with luck you could win(Death shot crit>1-2 hit die to a mage) Nuker: Have courage! Use Enlightment and Arcane Shield at the start, except if u have nuker enemy and he/she started with this type of fight either. If he/she did, you just have to hide, and win is yours. Summoner: Never forget to use your summon. In oly with buffs it can deal good dmg, and if u heal it well nobody will kill it+Death Spike and Dimension Spiral. Tanks: -SK: put SoS asap. You don't have chance w/o SoS, cause SK isn't have the best defense. In oly for sk i prefer focus sword. I know SoS give CDMG bonus for blunt, but with 100 crit rate, you don't hit crit very often. -PK: Put icon with hitting yourself with your little bird, dhp urself (same way with titan+sacrifice) for angelic icon, but don't waste Touch of Life at this moment. -ET: Use BoE, and you'll be healed at the middle of the match, and if they'll hit ur hp down again, use Touch of Life. c(: Supporter: You need 2-3 weaps with active attacking aug, cause if you transform with BS u'll die fast, and with OL/WC ur mana goes down to fast if you attack with Steal Essence. With healers allways burn mana. Enemy can't use Mana Potion at oly. :-P Thanks for reading, and sorry if my english was crap > i was drunk when i wrote. I promise i will read again and write the miswrote words and sentecens again. How to play? part is written counting that you can use classes. If you can't use classes, than you have 2 choice: 1.: stop playing L2. 2.: ask me to explain it. BTW good luck with/without my guide. ;-D
  5. btw with dwarf you need a huge luck to beat a good dagger. and no, never think that ppl are pro on oly, cause they aren't. : D btw i'll make a post now from oly.
  6. against dagger: stun, stun if it isn't land RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! style. btw nice guide. (: uhm and if we would go deeper in oly, there is a "trick" for buffing. for fighter classes (so it include Maestro either) i allways put focus, mshield and bbody with b-a grade weapons, by using soul bottle(no mana loss, and fast as fvck). after that bspirit, dwisper, might, concentration(if enemy has ability to ruin ur stun cast[u can check the enemy with pressin' watchin' match button at 1 sec countdown, so u don't need a friend to check. lol. : D ]) windwalk, guidance. after this follow Michaeltje's guide.
  7. btw dude, u had to develop it more, b4 live. u have player 'cause ppl are hungry for H5 PvP server, and this is the best now, cause L2Inc, Crysis etc fvcked up. btw gl with your server. perhaps i'll log again, if you make it more serious server instead fun srv. and remove aggro from Training Zone pcs. c(:
  8. nice stats and stuff, but come on, why u all make IL srvs? MxC filled with IL server. u'll never have 500-1000 ppl, cause all IL fans got their own faved servers. i didn't wrote it 'cause i'm bastard, just with experience. btw i wish u luck, and i wish that my opinion will fail. (:
  9. damn the only normal pvp server, and everybody say "0" ppl. if all would join, who say "omg low ppl suxxx" it would have 100+. they had ddos at beginning, this isn't admin's fault. btw trojan don't need retard, random b!tches.
  10. remember: i never listen sh1t. and what u linked neither. : D
  11. before you call me g@yman, delete your timberlake pics. c(:
  12. As i saw H5 servers are 80% low/mid rate, but ppl really want to play on low/mid? I just want to figure out this.
  13. i would like it, but it has a lot bad feature, like with the balance, and with the main architect.
  14. i'm really intrested. i hope ETA will released soon.
  15. tried. would be better if they would developed it for more time, and they would made an enconomic farm system. pk guards are default guards, with increased stats, and they're everywhere+mobs are weak and drops low adena, but you can't farm with dread, cause of that pk guard thing. NPC's html side are really undemanding, announcements are halfly english and halfly spanish, 85 mobs at lvl zone has too lot matk, so if u have bad luck you die 4x untill you earn lv85. : D starting adena is too low-> lot ppl are with dynasty armor and no grade weap, stupid feed protection, ugly zones what helps u to get bad mood 'till u farm. positive things: geodata works, as i saw (but haven't tried every places), enchant system isn't the worst, but getting divine scrolls is too hard, cause when you win an event, not 100% that you get reward, pvp colour system. Lies: •PREFECT OTHER INFORMATIONS : Experienced Team. > first few sentence Stable. No lag. > ofc it has lags. Custom Economy. > it could be true if custom means "cr@p" in .user 10000 player capacity written. yeah. btw only the server's name is perfect. but try it, perhaps just i am the only one who don't like it.
  16. most balanced? haha i just laugh out loudly.
  17. AHWAHWAHWAHW. the only one who sukz us u. c(:
  18. i won't be bastard, or troll but i never was on good L2 HR server that is from Hungary(perhaps never exist in past), even i'm hungarian. btw gl.
  19. I can't find normal, balanced, or not dead servers with low/medium farm time, and well enchant rates (75-80% +16-20 max) with pvp.
  20. without logging, i can tell you, this server will close in few weeks.
  21. i was the only one 2 min b4. btw it would be a fvcking good server with ppl. but nobody joins, cause 200 ppl say "no players", and don't join. i think the only way to resurrect the server, is with new name and domain and wipe. (and add a farm zone with hard mobs and better drop, cause i hate AoE farming)
  22. i can't run l2. someone know why? (L2 h5, followed the "intallation" instructions)
  23. Died. I give max 1 month and it will totally close. 150 online at saturday, but count the afkers for vote, and offline shops. : D
  24. this would be really good server, but the classes are fvcked up, and the main settings of the server are piece of sh!t. did you saw a h5 server, where you have to kill GRBs and SoS is only selfbuff? : D if no, than go to L2 Crysis.
  25. ~12 ways tried to connect and, i still can't connect cause of "wrong password" issue.
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