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Everything posted by anTiH3RO

  1. buy 1k scrolls, buy 250 weapons, set an enchant script to that 250 weapon, go watch some movie, and if you have luck, you'll have some +16 weaps. c(:
  2. GF is okay, but imo if he would open GF server it wouldn't have a lot player.
  3. where did i said a bad word about features? WTF, man?
  4. i adtmit that some for some players that ch is the perfect one, and stay 'cause of that, but imo IL is too old for now. i totally agree this. : D
  5. we shouldn't stack in the past. i don't say that all interlude servers must die, i just say, there are too many IL srvs. and i admit that most of the servers aren't stable and good. : D Balanced farm-pvp is more boring, than bot and craft all day?
  6. they still have lame captcha system. for the others i didn't said any words. perhaps you read other forum. i don't have to say sorry, to be an active forum user. oh, and do me a favor....
  7. i hate BR and spanish players. 80% of them are retarded, and they just can say "ajajajajajjajajajajaja", for the rest i say sorry, and they could feel my respect.
  8. Someone can explain, why 80% of the servers are interlude, why ppl make freya pvp servers, why all H5 server are under 50x? i exactly can't play with my favorite MMORPG, because there aren't normal servers. all i want is a 100x-99999x PvP/PvE H5 srv with availability to get all gear by adena.
  9. you can make hr server what run for years, if you make it wisely. f.e: 3-4 montly ranking wipe, Easy/Medium PvE, ez clan leveling, etc. < these all makes one server better for new and old players either. you have to balance everything, not only the PvP and classes, and it could be 1-2-3 year old srv.
  10. anyway, i won't spend more time with this, cause as i said first i just made this 'cause i was bored and actually i don't need an l2 website. i practiced a lot with this little design. thanks for your critics, i learnt a lot from it either. btw next time i'll make a design what will worth to code. (:
  11. y. make h5 hr server, with tons of donations, if you want money.
  12. full +12 is about creating 20 chars, and send the starter adena, to your main char. : D [idk its fixed yet or not. i don't play there now]
  13. thanks for your constructive criticism, instead of saying "it's crap" without complaining why is it crap. (:
  14. First at all some pics was downloaded from the internet (like the bg and the header), others are made by me. I was bored, so i started to work on this, but the result is worse than i expected. : D 1st try Ps.: if somebody like it, and want it, drop a msg, and i'll send you the PSD for FREE. if you want the coded one, you'll have to pay hard, cause i hate coding. c(:
  15. 'cause i like it.
  16. remove that fvcking captcha system, very annoying, and it don't has effect to L2 Net users. you know how easy to put anti-captcha into a farm script? : D
  17. The most important thing about this sig: the original draft made by me, so i guess it is really unique signature. c(:
  18. 20-90. it depends on time, but everybody are spanish, instead of GTFO clan.
  19. First at all, you'll have to complete it, with your own style, cause this tutorial shows you how to do the defaults. At the end of the post, you'll see what i'm talking about. Open a new, transparent img. After this make one circle shape, with gradient tool like this(pick your own colors, but if you want same: 7c7c7c and white): after this don't cancel the select, make a cltr+shift+i, make a new layer, and fill it with black (or other color. depends on your color pick) Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur (y you can make it with inner shadow, but i prefer this way) Select the orb, ctrl+shift+i again, and clear. Select the place what you want to fill with glass effect, and with white+transparent gradient fill it. and delete everything what is outside from the orb duplicate the orb's layer add noise make it grayscale with Hue & Saturation, and merge the H&S and the Duplicate layer. The "last" step is: Filter>Blur>Motion Blur, ctrl+click to the original layer's thumbnail, ctrl+shift+i, clear.. Now i'm done with the tutorial, now you just have to add your style, and make it better with it, like this: or this: if you have questions, PM me. and if my english isn't the best:
  20. this isn't my best work, but i hope you like it. (:
  21. colors aren't fit, font, and the style of the text, doesn't look well, drop shadow is ugly, valakas everywhere, fontsize are the same everywhere, i think if you would make page, and menubar a bit transparent it would be better.
  22. Between The Buried And Me - Specular Reflection [Prospect #1] A twisted crash... vibrations forming my personal currency. A lifeline... a sweatbox, the linear mind as one. Who would have thought? This distant face... Distant life... never before seen. Deep sleep in deep sea. Nerves torn from their ends. It has been three nights and still the puzzle is cut by a shaky hand. Carved out of improper materials... imperfect directions. A crushing sound soon awakes. Where am I? The taste of sand wipes away the grime of my past life... The life I fled... the grip I loosened. It has all caused an even pressure. The kind they show us on our screens. I've become what I've force fed my entire life... a drifter's dream... a loner's mind. Wanting what they have... their perfect smiles and heartless lusts. On night four they come back. Awaking a new life. Over and over... like I've been there before. Living and breathing, but still choking. A mirror stares back. I contort like the wheels in my head... Still nothing happens. Please wake up. [Prospect #2] I open my eyes to the smell of morning skin. The soft touch of your hair. Your breathe I breathe in. The reality chases and catches up on actual alertness. Im awake... a daydream... alone. Silence. This is the last few years rolled into one instance. I need something new. I jerk back in and out of a daydream self. A backwards day... water surrounds. A cool breeze wrapping its smell around my skin. The mid day siren awakes what was a false idea of sleep. Daydream society. Walking past what we used to see. Beginning again. (The runners come to a halt. The air seems half full) Walking into a certain state of suffocation. Confusion surrounds... day after day. The questions I face... the dealings I deal. Do I complete me? Do I complete humanity? This day will determine it all. [Prospects #1 and #2] Mirror stares back again. I contort like the wheels in my head... Still nothing happens. Please wake up. Please wake me up. (the EP's and the next album's lyrics are connecting and tell 1 story.)
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