I just downloaded it, and I tought I make it work.
I have this problem with it.
Its not loadingthe page from the server, or download the HTML. Its like ignoring the list.xml
Thx for the help fowardly.
I'm clueless, what is wrong...
Its Great Product!
Just windows 10 and cheap antiviruses like defender, avast, found weekly a new trojan in it.
It wouldbe good to to make some certi, or somthing for it to be marked as safe.
For nod32 its a safe program.
Hello every body!
I'm looking for help about costume armor adding in H5.
I have an armor pack for CT2.3 and I want to get it work in H5.
My problem is, the file edit if not saving the data.
I hope someone can help me :)
Thx fowardly.
Can you make a mod to disable view distance limit?
Or make the range bigger, when im in big open space ingame its like im in a fog box.
Of corse i setted everything to max....
Hello I have a similiar question to this.
Is there a way to add ertheia map additions to GF or H5?
Such as Ancient City or orbis temple?
Or the race can be added?
I think its not an easy question. But the NC guy's was able to do it. :)
Thx fowardly.