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Everything posted by Red-Hair-Shanks

  1. to jserver mporeis na to poulisis omws to acis dn mporeis :P toulaxiston se last version
  2. someone want to play duo with me? :P only plat3 and higher . i am plat 4 in promo..i will go at night plat3..:P prefer lanes jungle.mid i can play all lanes. http://www.lolskill.net/summoner/EUNE/Olympus07/matches?filterChampion=&filterQueue=
  3. 3erei kaneis kana programa na kanei data recovery? anyone know any program for data recovery?
  4. good luck with your server bro. p.s aderfe ama 8es se otidipote help mporeis na mou peis kai 8a se boh8isw gt me exeis boh8isei se oti eixa problima
  5. isws na kanw la8os...pantos apoti mou eixan pei tou poulage kapoios 40-50 euro afto to code.
  6. to 3erw bro..o gevorakoc nomizw to exei ftia3ei afto
  7. katestrepses kosmo twra xaxaxa...kapoioi to poulane afto 40-50 euro xaxaxaxaxaxa
  8. exei polla bug to phoenix . dn 3erw pou to brikes alla afto to event pou perases einai gtp. ama psa3eis kai allo 8a breis polu kalutero apo afto pou exeis.. afto kai polla alla ta exeis se public....to exeis kanei adapt apo frozen se acis afto? protected void forceSitAll() { for (L2PcInstance player : players.keySet()) { player.abortAttack(); player.abortCast(); player.setIsParalyzed(true); player.setIsInvul(true); player.startAbnormalEffect(AbnormalEffect.HOLD_2); } }
  9. dn boh8as...anebase edw http://pastebin.com/ olo to arxeio tou event.java
  10. [gr]dn to exeis kanei swsta adapt. sto divideintoteams line 24 ti kodika exei? grapse ton kodika
  11. xaxax o sugkekrimenos exei trelo iq kai as to paizei trelos..trust me
  12. xxxxxxxx stamata porne...min ta les etc afta 8a zileuei to mwro o access
  13. to npc sou duxnei apla ta info apo ta events. sto event.xml bazeis mesa ta timiming. balta prosektika. ka8e kapoio time 8a bgazei stous chars na kanoun vote se 3 random event apo ta 18 pou exeis. episis sto event.xml arxeio uparxei se ka8e event to mininum register pou prepei na kanoun oi chars kai an 8umame kala kai gia to vote. otan epilekti poio event 8a tre3ei 8a bgali announce stous chars na kanoume register me command. .register.
  14. http://imgur.com/fyy3lFB http://i.imgur.com/0MU6xt0.png he have already raid info.
  15. l2vitality the interlude server? you want pigasos files? or other l2vitality that i dont know. if you want this files speak to pigasos directly.
  16. looking for team to play rank games.if you are interesting add me skype.l2trinitypvp gold3+++ players. about me.last season plat 3 right now gold 3. i dont have any pref lanes..i can play all lanes.
  17. is not only youtube..something else is but i will find it :P P.s [gr]perase kai olas mia ebdomada? elpizw na sobareftis
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