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Everything posted by toastgodsupreme

  1. Posting so I can get email replies about the lulz that this thread will generate. I am amused. :D
  2. So this isn't a share or anything. Just kind of bragging because dammit, I was up till 6:30 am this morning doing the Tiat intro, lol. Neither of these are done, but we expect to have the raids available for players by next Monday (server updates are every Monday and I wasn't fast enough on finishing the AIs for tomorrow's update). Tiat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWdtzuAQbK4&hl=en&fs=1& Ekimus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRaGj4bZagc That Eki video is a couple days old. He's since been improved much and more cameras were added to match up with retail. Pretty much the process in which I do these is script out the major parts of the entire intro sequence, then go back in and add camera controls where needed to match up with the retail video. Obviously Tiat is missing a number of cameras still, but I have a week to bang out the rest of his intro and battle AI. Another dev on LineageUniverse named Alleta helped a lot with the Ekimus sequence. So big thanks to her for giving me a hand with that one. :)
  3. Omfg what is your site hosted on? 56k? It took ages to load it and then it turned out to be very disappointing. Oh, and buy a real domain... and stop making interlude servers, for the love of god.
  4. lol, says the person with http://l2hardcore.ucoz.net/ in his profile. Not all private servers are shit. Yours probably is. But there are quality servers where people like myself develop on and put in a LOT of time getting things fixed.
  5. You realize that L2Inc was barely a server until L2Refused closed and sent it's 800+ players to L2Inc, right? And despite the fact that L2Inc is run by nBd (one of the lead devs on the core l2j project) his server suffers from an INSANE amount of bugs along with a corrupt staff that has caused NUMEROUS wipes. The only reason Inc is still around is because nBd still makes money from retard donators. Why anyone would donate on a buggy, corrupt server, I'll never understand. But oh well... to each their own.
  6. Yeah, I've actually got a bookmark folder with l2 servers that are shitty. Usually because I've talked to their owners/dev teams and realized that they were clueless. And I don't say that to be mean. I understand everyone has to start somewhere and can't know everything there is. But at the same time, when there are quality servers out there, I don't understand why people continue to play on bad ones. Even the "good" L2Off servers have their share of problems. Azure for example, has donations that have ruined gameplay and a corrupt staff. They impose artificial caps on the servers and force people to donate if they wish to log in. Not to mention the bugs they still haven't fixed. Frintezza has a lack of solid development lately and doesn't seem to be able to catch up. They're still stuck on Interlude on some of their servers and have barely begun to fix Hellbound. Elite, well, I'm sure everyone knows what happened with Elite. No need to go into that story again. So even the "top" L2Off servers are still very far behind. And as far as L2J, I'll be honest... MOST L2J servers, ESPECIALLY the Interlude ones, suck. They are run by children, usually at their house, and typically on the same computer they play off of. But there are a small handful that really shine and that I respect (what's funny is that every server that is run by a core L2J dev team member sucks and is usually buggier than the core project itself or suffers from staff corruption). And like I've said earlier in certain posts of mine on these forums, in the coming months, I personally will be dropping some serious updates into the L2J community from my own personal work. As many have noticed, my weapon sa work and armor updates were recently committed and there's a LOT more coming, and not just SQL updates either. ;) Myself and another dev have already started on Gracia Final instances and raids.
  7. Double check your SQL settings. I assume your SQL server is the same machine as the game/login?
  8. Dear mainlanboi, You deserve a cookie. I whole-heartedly agree with what you have said. I am absolutely embarassed by every greek fail server that pops up. It makes players think that all private L2 servers suck. And that's terrible, because there are servers out there with amazing developer teams and I don't mean just the one I currently work on either. I've been on a handful that I've been impressed by.
  9. Much appreciated. And I lol'ed hard @ lineage2media's video. They have all the default spawns but nothing scripted, tumors walking around like normal mobs, and no collision data on them. ;) I doubt they've even got droplists done yet. But thanks for the idea of searching in chinese. That should help us a lot.
  10. We have a dev who specifically works on those things for LU. :) Meanwhile us DP devs can start working on things like this. ;) And it's DEFINITELY not getting shared to the L2J devs. Those guys are huge leechers. They'll use it on their servers and won't commit it for the community.
  11. Replay files would also be nice if you can't provide actual videos. We're starting to script some of the gracia final raids and just need more information about them. We've completed a few of them, but Ekimus and Tiat raids aren't well documented. So if any of you have replays or videos from Gracia Final raids (please, no dinky private server raids, lol. So far we're the only server even implementing proper Gracia Final raids that I know of. Everyone else doesn't script AIs for them and doesn't have proper drops, stats, or skills either.), please share. :) This is only two days of work so don't judge too harshly based on it. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRaGj4bZagc Still have some timings to fix on the intro (need to trim back the delay between the second hound and his cast by about 1-2 seconds) and at least three more cameras to add. Skills are done, just need to set proper AI controls on them and we already have retail stats and drops on our Gracia Final raid bosses. :D We're hoping to get a rough version of the Ekimus raid implemented for Monday's update *crosses fingers*. We won't have the outer ring completed yet, initial spawns are done, coffins and tumors are placed along with the npcs that guard them. But we haven't set the AI up yet to trigger events when they are killed. We just need a little more info before we can do that part. Thanks.
  12. No time for play! To busy doing dev work for lineageuniverse. ;) Though I'm just a dev there.
  13. http://www.infinitel2.com/ Personally I don't like faction servers. Too much possibility for QQ'ing. But I know the guy who runs infinitel2 and he's got some serious talent.
  14. Hahaha, I can't believe I didn't even notice that! The real Infinite/Infinity servers are http://www.infinitel2.com/ run by the same guy who runs http://www.infiniteaion.com/
  15. It's not off topic if it's related directly to the server. And for those who missed all the lulz, I think they're entitled to know just exactly how competent the owner is based on previous history. So for anyone interested in playing on this server, be sure to search for l2evo on these forums before you do so you can catch up on everything. :)
  16. http://toxicl2.tk/ = Free domain, this is your first fail. http://toxicl2.tk/ resolves to billkas.gotdns.org = So you're probably hosting the site on the same machine as the server itself. This is your second fail. billkas.gotdns.org resolves to which is located in *drumroll* GREECE! = EPIC FUCKING FAILURE. | ? | - | | ppp-94-69-158-11.home.otenet.gr | (Greece)? | - | | Multiprotocol Service Provider to other ISP's and End Users Home hosted shitty server in greece. Godamn, will someone please go take Greece's internet away please? LOL, yup, I was right... From the L2.ini file: l2toxicl2.servegame.com resolves to Who wants to bet that the machine is the same one he plays on? :D
  17. 1. Wrong section. 2. I assume from your email address vermaelen1997@hotmail.com that you were born in 1997, and really... who wants a 12-13 year old admin? lol
  18. This server has generated a LOT of lulz on these forums. People hacking it, I believe they wiped recently. And their new "bot protection" is just silly and easily bypassed. :D Oh well, have fun with that, lol. Can't wait to see the next round of hacks.
  19. Still looks like shit. Not only that, but where the hell are you hosting from that it takes 8+ seconds to download a 400kb image file?
  20. Sure we have, greek home-hosted server running junk interlude packs and an admin who can't fix bugs. Hell, I see those ALL the time here! :D
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfou5-VZIAA Obviously he's not done, but for 1 day of scripting and data gathering (skills were a pain in the ass to get data on). :) Pretty fucking epic if I do say so myself, considering I haven't seen any other server even start on this shit. ;) And once we finish him, we'll be starting work on the Tiat raid.
  22. lol, it's so obvious most of you play only Shitterlude. :) Elemental enhancements on armors pretty much break necros. Everyone wears about 2-3 dark resist pieces. That's at least 120 dark resist right there. Thanks to pve being primarily dark based and all. :)
  23. Except for mine. ;) Seen some of my work lately? Hehe.
  24. Make sure you have cookies enabled and are accepting them from the site, and there's a question, it asks you to get Pi to the first 9 or 10 digits i think. So don't forget to do that otherwise it won't let you register. It's to keep out spammers and bots.
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