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Everything posted by toastgodsupreme

  1. It's just a copy/paste website that's been shared here on MXC. >_>
  2. Edit: Finally got it committed! http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/changeset/6525 :D Can a mod please lock this thread? :) Once again, I'm sharing this here because I want more people active in the L2J community and not just sitting on these boards leeching. Original thread: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13247 First, this is based on the CORE PROJECT. If you're running L2JFree, Emu, or some other fork, you're on your own as far as getting the diffs to work as I don't know how different theirs are. So now a quick and dirty run down of what this does... 1. Moves weapon SAs and pvp bonuses out of weapon xmls (except for those that directly modify weapon stats as per C4 data and have no SA skill). 2. PROPERLY assigns all weapon SAs to their proper weapon. 3. Updates prices and crystal counts for all weapons that required it based on Gracia Final data (no, you can not have my source. If you want to verify prices, go on retail, start putting weapons into sell windows {ie. you sell to an npc} and start verifying sell prices... you'll see I'm right and L2J is wrong). Here's how I did this... First I used C4 leaked retail data as a base. I would create the skill and assign weapons based on that data alone. Then I would check client data, see if the skill gained levels. If so, fill those in as needed. Then I would go through the database, grab all weapons for that specific SA, and assign them based on weapon TYPE and DESCRIPTION. Many SAs restrict by weapon type if they have multiple skills. So that made it a lot easier to track down what went where for weapons beyond C4. It was all very logical really (thank God whoever does NCSofts SA stuff is sane). For Vesper weapons, some of them got their own skills in the 8xxx range. I already did those and they were already committed to the core project by DrLecter: http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/changeset/6408/trunk/datapack_development/data/stats/skills/8200-8299.xml Others were easy to assign based on the above logical steps. There's a typo in the Guidance description for the Vesper bow, says 75 but it's 7.5. Really, this has taken months to do and verify. And like I said, the main reason I'm sharing this here is because I want you all to PLEASE JOIN THE MAIN L2J FORUM AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE L2J PROJECT IN WHATEVER WAY YOU CAN! Doing this helps everyone. It helps you, and it helps just about every fork out there including the one you probably use since they all pull updates from the core project. Temporary link: http://lineageuniverse.com/downloads/25-08-09.zip For all updates, please follow this thread: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13247
  3. Christ on a cracker... all you Interlude people. >_> You know why so many people hate Gracia1/2/Final? Because of shitty private servers. That's it. Sure there are plenty of shitty Interlude servers, but for some reason, people just expect Interlude servers to be partially broken. But it's ok since it's the norm. Yes, there are a LOT of crappy Gracia servers. In fact, I'd say about 90% of them are just absolutely junk. But I've managed to find a few that are actually really decent AND are like retail (except with certain things to make them more fun... like LU removes some of the grind for getting to areas like HB).
  4. There is no way you could've combo'd a gatekeeper and shop and symbol maker without combining elements (extending merchant and including the teleporter and symbol functions in the class). It's the same principle. Bring over the buff elements from that class into yours. Not rocket surgery pal. :)
  5. All these 1000-5000x servers are popping up lately. Why don't you guys just make people level 85 on enterworld and have subclasses start at 85? Then remove XP from mobs and from in the core? It'd be less calculations for the server to do and with no xp in the npc table, less stuff sitting in memory. Let me drop a few little tips for you... 1. Don't mention it's a greek server. It's not a selling point. Do you know how many greek-based servers are created daily? 2. Your site looks like it's from 1995. >_> 3. 2Gb of ram? O_o Sounds like a home hosted DSL based server. I'm too lazy to bring up visual route to check, but yeah... no fun. I also don't see a hopzone listing so I assumed you've been banned from there or something?
  6. I don't see how someone can rent a server and not purchase a domain, considering it's like, $10/yr for a domain.
  7. Sigh... another greek server, another common website template used by every other 16 year old (at least it wasn't the l2extreme template, so tired of seeing that one), and within the first page people are complaining of corruption. Congrats on your server. lol
  8. while i personally haven't used it, I've heard good things about hosthelpers.com too
  9. well he'll come back at you and go "oh but look mens! i has many players so obviously is gud!" Still, lol at interlude, lol at l2dot, and lol at him not being able to fix a simple glitch considering he has about half a dozen working examples of an oly system from current forks. bad admin is bad. :)
  10. Looks like your standard "take donations then close in two weeks" server.
  11. Again, not really. I just told you it wasn't the best, lol. Basically L2JOfficial is like testing grounds before the core project commits it. That's all. Every project has advantages and you'd do well to pick and choose pieces from all projects. L2Dream has an amazing AI system. L2JTW, up until Gracia Final, was keeping steady pace with random updates to things. It's since slowed down. L2JFree has some slick core optimizations, but only some can be brought directly over to the main project. L2Gold and L2Open I still haven't gotten around to examining yet. And if the project I'm on ever goes public, we have THE most retail-like NPCs, skills (for players and npcs), and Hellbound/Kamaloka/Pailaka systems (though don't base those last three off the server I work on, they've intentionally been disabled as well as the HB leveling system). Honestly Charus, Jiv and Gnat should just be on the main L2J team. They should have never been forced to start the L2JO fork. But the core devs are sometimes a little retarded... :(
  12. I don't think that's a mistake. These greek kids love to set up servers, make some money for a few weeks then close them down. And this is the best way to do it. :)
  13. True. It's even funnier seeing L2Off servers claiming such a thing and everyone believing them. As if L2Off servers are made of pure fucking gold no matter who runs it. But these made me laugh... lol carebear server Whoopdeedo. AWESOME FEATURE! /sarcasm
  15. I'm actually shocked at the website. Normally when I go through different servers on the MXC boards the websites look like they're designed by 10 year olds with down syndrome, but yours is pretty decent (though nothing catches the eye aside from the background). Too bad it's interlude...
  16. I wouldn't say the best, they have some good devs, charus, gnat, and jiv, that's for sure. But they're not much farther along than the core project.
  17. lol, soul hounds are the king of Oly now. Steal buffs, constant paralyze, bind and silence, and be melee or ranged if need be. I've never lost an Oly match on a soul hound.
  18. lol restart your login. not too hard. XD
  19. If Chrome had an adblock ability, I think I'd stick with it primarily. having tabs running in separate processes is SO useful. Especially when you have like, 15 open and one of them decides to hang.
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