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About smity911

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  1. Thanks mate, revolt was a great server.
  2. hay guys, i am assuming you are using windows 8, please check the connect page for the win8 fix. Cheers
  3. NOW OPEN!
  4. www.L2Heart.com
  5. Awesome, but i cant workout how to call the skill animations. Thanks
  6. Hay all, just wonted to know if anyone could help me identify what value in the following code sets what body part the item uses, Eg this item uses head2 slot and i want to move it to the back slot (like cloak) Client is: Freya I have already changed it server side. 1 40021 0 3 5 0 0 Dropitems.drop_raid_master_m001_a LineageAccessoryTex.raid_master_m001_a_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.accessory_raid_master_i00 -1 10 13 0 0 0 1 25 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 1 0 255 1 1 pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings 1 pixy.pixy 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. Good seller and a great pack. Cheers
  8. Could you explain this a little more?
  9. Bump and price update.
  10. Thanks for the reply's, i have been playing around with it all day with no luck, ill keep trying tho.
  11. Hi guys, im looking for someone that can resolve this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/177049-cant-see-armor-when-i-use-hide/ Client: Freya Armor: L2SaphireUniverse God armor pack. Paying: $25 PM me for skype Cheers Smity
  12. Hay guys i have a problem with some armors i imported to my freya client, they work fine normally but when i use hide/silent move ect everything is 100% transparent. any help with this would be appreciated Edit: i can still see the armor if there is something behind it like this...
  13. Can anyone answer this?
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