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  1. Hello Guys! I just added in pvp zones to get pvp point. But it does not update istant. The pvp winner must teleport or die so his pvps update +1. So i would like it to update instant if its possible. l2jaCis Here is the code: // If in pvp zone, add pvp point. if (isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP) && targetPlayer.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP)) { setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); // Until the zone was a siege zone. Check also if victim was a player. Randomers aren't counted. if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && getSiegeState() > 0 && targetPlayer.getSiegeState() > 0 && getSiegeState() != targetPlayer.getSiegeState()) { // Now check clan relations. final L2Clan killerClan = getClan(); if (killerClan != null) killerClan.setSiegeKills(killerClan.getSiegeKills() + 1); final L2Clan targetClan = targetPlayer.getClan(); if (targetClan != null) targetClan.setSiegeDeaths(targetClan.getSiegeDeaths() + 1); } return; } Okay i just found the problem! I added this line: setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); + sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); Any mod please close the topic. Dont delete it, maybe helps someone. :) Thank you!
  2. Yeah! I fixed it! It was the paypalcallback with the IPN outdated.
  3. @Override protected void onEnter(L2Character character) { character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.NO_SUMMON_FRIEND, true); character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTI_FUNCTION, true); if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) { L2PcInstance activeChar = ((L2PcInstance) character); if (classes != null && classes.contains(""+activeChar.getClassId().getId())) { activeChar.teleToLocation(147448, 26850, -2200, 0); activeChar.sendMessage("Your class is not allowed in the flag zone."); return; } for (L2ItemInstance o : activeChar.getInventory()._items) { if (o.isEquipable() && o.isEquipped() && !checkItem(o)) { int slot = activeChar.getInventory().getSlotFromItem(o); activeChar.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(slot); activeChar.sendMessage(o.getItemName()+ " unequiped because is not allowed inside this zone."); } } if (give_noblesse) noblesse.getEffects(activeChar, activeChar); if (pvp_enabled) activeChar.updatePvPFlag(1); activeChar.sendMessage("You entered in a flag zone."); clear(activeChar); } } Here? The only line with isInsideZone is this one: public static void givereward(L2PcInstance player) { if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTI_FUNCTION)) { for (int[] reward : rewards) { PcInventory inv = player.getInventory(); inv.addItem("Custom Reward", reward[0], reward[1], player, player); } } } Should i put here like this: public static void givereward(L2PcInstance player) { if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTI_FUNCTION)) { for (int[] reward : rewards) { PcInventory inv = player.getInventory(); inv.addItem("Custom Reward", reward[0], reward[1], player, player); } if (pvp_enabled) activeChar.updatePvPFlag(1); } } Found 1 more bug. When some1 hits another player and enter the zone already flagged. In 30 seconds its deflagged
  4. l2jAcis Bug: When someone kills another players and will survive...he will deflag after 30 seconds or so.
  5. When you open BETA?
  6. hmmmmmm....does it have to do with the fact that the paypal account I use is personal and not business?
  7. Hey! I donate and i don't get credits into the account.
  8. Did you test this before posting here? Because like the guy above me i have the same problem.
  9. What html’s do you referring to? The home page? I like the index page :)
  10. Fixed! Thank you very much! I really didn't notice that XD
  11. Hello! I work with aCis pack older rev that is using java 7. I created a new pvp zone and i added the coordinates into ArenaZone.xml. The zone code looks like this: The pvp zones works fine, but if I die there i can't go to town. This is the error that i get into the gameserver console: I replaced the name of the caracter and the ip with "-" . Thank you! And i hope someone can help me fix this. Have a nice day!
  12. Hello! Is there any way to make it work with java 7? I can't adapt it. It all over me.
  13. Hello! I made my whole server no shop zone and i would like to add only some parts of Giran Harbor where you can set shops. I have set the x y z in PrivateStoreZone.xml as you can see in the image attached but when i go to Giran Harbor i can set shops in the whole harbor. I would like to be able to set shops only on those zones that i set. I appreciate it if you guys can help me. EDIT: I FIXED IT! SORRY FOR THE POST! THE COORDINATES WE'RE WRONG! MOD YOU CAN CLOSE THE TOPIC.
  14. Can you share the livestream link? So i can follow it and get a notification when you go live? Because i dont always check this forum.
  15. The server is not even close L2OFF. It's the pack that Trance shared. It has many bugs. I joined the server. Online players between 15-25. They made some event of exp. Free exp for everyone, they spawn a lot of mats in players inventory. 1st hour, players already have a lot of S grade ++items, and they didnt farm anything. This is a total fail. They didnt advertise it at all. It didn't even dissapoint me because i knew this was going to be a fail.
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