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Everything posted by vamav3che

  1. as i said , its still under development , i will add changelist in a few hours
  2. [glow=red,2,300]Updates:[/glow] ~ Drop increased to help new players / vesper armor / weapon price decreased ~ All clan items can be found in gmshop ~ To raise clan level you don`t need reputation points ...and for lvl 6 you need 5 memebers and for lvl 11 you need 35...so make clans:) (all clan eggs in gmshop also) ~ Teleport to all grand boss fixed , so if you like killin rb`s here is the place for you ~ Custom rb`s zone for farming [shadow=red,left]IMPORTANT: SERVER IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT , BUT I WILL NOT WIPE IT , SO YOU CAN JOIN WITHOUT PROBLEMS COMMUNITY IS LOW FOR THE MOMENT BEACOUSE THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE I`VE POSTED MY SERVER , MAXCHEATERS ARE THE BEST IN TESTING ...you know what i mean...(This is not a home server and i am not a kiddo , please dont beg for gm , items and others...)[/shadow]
  3. updates: max subclass lvl 85 All forgotten scrools added to shop all clan eggs added to shop
  4. [glow=red,2,300]updates:[/glow] Farm zones - noob/safe farm - normal farm zone , and party farm zone Custom rb zone - drops coins ,top life stones and blessed s grade Drop was increased for new players to farm more easy , also vesper and vesper noble sets price is low. Teleport to Special RB`s no longer requires gold coins. (still , antharas , valakas , baium are quest zones) A lot of other fixes...if you find problems tell me...
  5. LoL , you are that naab that was cryn for items in game right? At least i made you make an account here to make 1 post , lol , i am sorry m8 but i dont give items for free , go search kids server if you want corruption . Maybe some moderator can cleanup this kid spam. Thanks.
  6. few updates: working patch here: http://www.4shared.com/file/207648969/f98eff87/patchLineage.html
  7. www.l2gothic.com GamePlay: All characters start with lvl 85 and adena to by S gear. Farming very easy , less farm , more PvP. Enchants are dropped in special farm zone. All you ever need in one AIO NPC. (all in one) Custom Zones (istances). Max subclasses = 5. Subclass certificate working. Offline trade Working. All skills are ok. Big community , and growing fast! Join us! www.l2gothic.com The servers rates are: - XP Rate: 5000x - SP Rate: 5000x - Adena Rate: 5000x Enchant : -> Safe: +3 -> max: +16 Rate : -> 67% with normal enchant scrool -> 77% whit blessed enchant scrool Server Mods: - All in One Npc ( GM Shop , Buffer , GK , Augumenter , Class Changer , Subclass , Nobless etc.) - Duration Buffs:2h - Olympiad 100% - Hero 100% - Clanes: Skills: 100% - TvT System : Auto event every 2 hours!!! - Farming Area : *Safe Zone *Normal Zone *Hard Zone *RB Zone *Special Zone *Enchant Zone - RaidBoss Areas - PvP Areas - Special Events - Gracia Continent/Airships/Flying Transformations/Skills/S84 Items - Friendly & Active Gamemasters - More features Inside. Join us! www.l2gothic.com
  8. with that machine you can hold 50~100players with no lag if you use linux , but that is not the problem , the problem is the internet connection , rds will not hold that many.... for 100 players you need 5 megabytes(not megabits) of upload (in seges ...in normal gameplay 2,5 mbs). //offtopic Nu-mi zi ca ai fiberlink cu 50mb upload ca dai cu bata-n balta . rds nu duce mai mult de 3 upload la abonamentele de baza , e limitat de ei fix ca sa nu faca lumea servere decat pe abonamente cu banda garantata! -- stiu ce zic pt ca folosesc un abonament cu banda garantata pt serverul meu.... Si inca ceva , cel mai important , daca nu stii java nu te apuca ! Packurile preconfig nu sunt bune de nimic!
  9. when tou get borred playn , start developin`
  10. depends on the customs...
  11. safe 4 max 16 for interlude..
  12. necro for sure
  13. intrebare de baraj , karma se reseteaza vreodata?:)
  14. how can i alter (decrease) paladin`s p atak and p def without changin his passive skills? from formulas.java it did not work cos` the pack i use its very bad srtuctured. from sql it will affect any the new created paladins or all the existin` ones?
  15. oare cati din romanii de pe forum au trecut de vremea excesului de cosuri?
  16. its not his server , its mine , and why you say are you sure if you dont try... so be my guest , test all hacks you know. I dint say its perfect (not even close , its l2j omg...) but its no noob server. (for your info :phx works in ALL servers, if you know how to use it) So please untill you can speak facts stop spammin with "i think " "i am sure that" "other suppositions" cos you know nothing (yet)
  17. l2j its full of bugs !:) use forum , tell me bugs and i will fix them ! and about the think thet you broke u`r weapon to +20 , bad luck:) next time go up to +25
  18. i (was) playn in dragon network and i own www.l2gothic.com ....if that can be called playn`
  19. lol , yesterday i made the new site:) that counter is new :)) login and see
  20. checkout new website :) no more copied templates or stolen designes:) www.l2gothic.com
  21. Flames... deja topicul a deviat si sa ajuns la injurii. nu era momentul , mai ales ca omul e nou venit pe forum. Un mod (daca binevoieste) sa inchida topicul sau sa-l curete.
  22. nu a sarit nimeni cu gura pe tine la modul rau... tot ce vrea lumea sa-ti zica e ca daca vrei server trebuie sa detii si resursele necesare ADICA : BANI SAU CUNOSTINTE(knowledge) Nimeni nu o sa-ti munceasca doar ca sa fie mandru de roadele muncii , in l2j nu exista asa ceva decat daca faci tu pt tine. Nu vreau sa ma intelegi gresit , nu iti zic astea din rautate , am si eu un server cu aprox 120 online tot timpul ( www.l2gothic.com )si e GREU sa faci fata , si nu mai sunt tocmai noob in ceea ce priveste l2j, ultimul an l-am petrecut invatand java,htm,c+ etc . Nu cauta ajutor gratis , nu vei primi decat de la un pusti de 12 ani care stie decat sa dea //ban (nu ca am ceva cu copii) , si nici ala, dar are nick de jenul [DEV]celmaitaregm , amuzant nu? Daca dispui de resurse ti-l recomand cu caldura pe kidzor , e priceput baiatul. Hai ca te-am plictisit destul , bafta!
  23. Wrong section. //reported Si ca sa-ti raspund la cererea cu devii , ai grija pe cine alegi. In al 2lea rand nici un dev care stie java serios nu o sa-ti munceasca pe promisiuni sau pe gm :-) . Bafta cu noul tau proiect.
  24. download patch: http://www.4shared.com/file/191298872/5096e90a/NEWGothIcPatch.html
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