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Everything posted by vamav3che

  1. minor fixes to some tank skills - now tanks are no longer overpowered minor fixes to kamael base stats. Community is growing fast! Join Us! www.l2gothic.com
  2. its up , try again
  3. i am glad you like it , community is growing FAST , more people more fun , more pvp:)
  4. nono noo , a player cannot conume that much bandwith... maybe just in sieges .... in normal state a player consumes max 2kbps ....
  5. lets make some things clear . there is no such thing as phx fixed . Its the bugs and exploits that you can fix...
  6. Aren`t you tired of servers that just promise and dont do nothing? yes , its star wars server , but its hell of a fun one:) Its called a fun PvP server, for people that dont have time to loose with farm and like pvp , no farm just pvp , you have everything you need , if you are smart you win , if not...to bad :)
  7. [glow=red,2,300]Update: 18 february[/glow] -FA is now tradable -Max subclasses = 5 -some minor fixes
  8. for the moment all dot-specific cheats working Maybe the admin will at least add some flood protector that actualy works..
  9. i checked this server to search for ideeas... and it have 2 major problems: 1: phx exploits working (some of them) , augument stuck working 2: i have some experience with this pack and i tell ya , you need a really good dev teams to fix all the bugs ... j2jdot is good but they implemented parts of the other packs without thining of the impact on performance. So , my advice , close server , open eclipse and start to work on it
  10. Cos` enchants have BIG chanse of succes , and player can choose what to enchant:) so PvP last long , and they are MORE FUN! This does not disballance classes! But a lot of player love it , there are many enchant-maniacs around here:)
  11. [glow=red,2,300]Updates 14 feb:[/glow] -All enchant scrools removed from shop and players inventories -new enchant farm zone with new Epilogue mobs - enchants and blessed enchants drop ONLY there and in underground instance -enchant rates is now 90% normal scrool and 97% blessed -Max enchant +50 for all(weap/armor/jew)
  12. thanx matim , problem solved
  13. good luck
  14. with win 2003 server x64 and that server you can handle 100 connections without any problems.... only in Sieges and big Events you will have some lag . Remember to setup windoz to give all availeble resource to java process and allocate to gameserver 1500mb ram , this is critical. Also set gameserver`s java process to "very high" . If you do not have java kwnoledge DO NOT start a server , or it will be a faliure and a waste of money for you. Have a nice day!
  15. I use Ubuntu for the moment .... and looks like its a bit different form red hat... HERE Is how my gameserver.sh loks like: #! /bin/sh cd /home/l2/Server/builds2/gameserver/ xterm -title "GameServer Log" -e tail -f /home/l2/Server/builds2/gameserver/log/stdout.log & ./GameServer_loop.sh & NOW it uses only 1GM ram for gameserver procces , how can i allocate more memory to it?
  16. its not different , but you must have some kwnolodge of how linux works , if you know ms-dos you wil be ok in linux . the difference in stability and resource managemen between windoz and linux is HUGE , like you compare a crow with a fighter jet ...
  17. What most of the people answered to you its what they think , now , here its the true :) ...tested With a core2duo ~2Ghz , 2 Gb ddr2 , hdd 7200rpm , and 3mb upload , using win2003 server you can handle 100-120 players without lag. If OS is setted to give all ressources to java process..do some reading about this. With the same machine using ubuntu i was able to handle 160 without lag spikes. I added second hdd and used RAID 0, upgraded upload to 9mbps and i got to 250 players without lag...and i think it can handle more... In present i have a 2 x core2duo @ 1,83 , 8 gb ddr3 , 2 raptors 15k/rpm using raid0 , 50 mb upload (in upload test i get clean 30mbps)ubuntu linux OS, and in test mode server with 500 connections runs at about 30% off capacity.... CpU`s varry from 10-40% ,RAM load its ~3gb for gameserver process , no read/write errors , eth0 is 6-7 Mbps in normal gameplay to 10-12 in sieges . Have fun and remember , LEARN BEFORE OPENING A SERVER! If anyone disagrees it can contact me and i can give proofs!
  18. [glow=red,2,300]Updates 11feb:[/glow] -Server OS changed from Win2003x64 to LINUX (fedora core x64) ---i recomend that to all the server owners , there is a BIG difference , much better management of resources , lower cpu and ram load , and absloutley 0 LAG
  19. [glow=red,2,300]Updates :[/glow] - added new zone(instance ,dongeones, modified kamalooka,party zone) , very strong mobs , drops FA and high Items - added new shop that sells high grade items with FA (for doundeons survivors)
  20. - if you mean custom items... no, costoms ALWAYS disballance gameplay , and i tryed to ballance classes so all have a chanse (server have all dinasty , icarus, vesper and vesper{PvP} weapons and armors) - custom gameplay , YES , Custom RB`s , custom drop , custom zones , custom instances etc Join us and have fun :) www.l2gothic.com
  21. [glow=red,2,300]Updates: [/glow] Economy: -New Zone (special instance zone) - Vesper {PvP} weapons drop there (vesper pvp cannot be found in shop , only drop -Added Mutant tresure Chest in all zones , they drop : - 1Coin 100% chanse;50 coins 1% chanse ; Top grade life stone lvl 84 5% chanse - all new players can become fully equiped in 1 hour , so have fun in pvp
  22. Updates: -- Subclass mastery working now ---big advantage 99% of G4 servers dont have it :) -- all pets working , including horses :) -- all skills tested and working , including transform scrools -- all rb`s done , checked and double checked all rb custom drop -- comunity grows constant -- at this moment 53 people online
  23. small fix: -beleth drops boss jwl (beleth ring) -valakas relocated and drop its finished and working -mobs from "normal" farm zone lvl lowered to 78 so mages will no longer give faliures
  24. [glow=red,2,300]Updates:[/glow] All mobs from farm zone drop GOLD COINS with 5% to 25 % chanse so farming its TO easy, added Blessed Scrools(88%) in shop , added Giant Codex in shop , added lvl 1 and lvl 2 attributes in shop , fixed RB`s drop (custom drop) , increased dwarf buff time to 2 hours www.l2gothic.com www.darkbreed.tk
  25. check again , i checked and it seems ok , sph makes normal damage
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