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Everything posted by vamav3che

  1. salut , ce mai fac romanasii?^^ Cine le are cat de cat cu wedesig-nul? Vteau site , m-am saturat de template-uri si site-uri furate:) vreau site pt www.l2gothic.com ^^ orice idee e binevenita
  2. now almost all the time there are 100 - 120 + players on www.l2gothic.com
  3. update: added angels farm zone (all farm zones have with 3 entries)
  4. UPDATES : rb zone (custom drops) works 100% comunity is now 70-80 ppl
  5. mrkzin please edit u`r post with the correct info , or maybe some moderator can close it / delete it so i can make post with server with all the info needed . its allowed ?
  6. mrkzin thanx for advertizing my server , and by the way , the official site is www.l2gothic.com ,please edit post and add the .com domain, now that we have a serious server we need a serious .com domain right? :) and now the latest updates: added all boss jwl to special shop (xml) added titanium armor (same stats as vesper so they do not disballance server) (xml) added some wings that add some pretty interesting stats (xml , sql) fix -- a lot of mage skills (in mmocore side) fix -- that stupid noobish error (in mmocore side - thanx to stefoulis) fix -- some missing augumets (sql) Some missing info from post: Enchant rate : 77% normal enchant 90% blessed enchant Bews and bews in Special Shop and as prize for TvT and CtF Auto announce al PvP and all PK`s PvP Name Color System (not seted up yet , i am lazy ) Oly from 18 to 00 (protected from disconect and dual-box , prefrenzy and other ....) All the customs from mmocore are added by me , all the fixes are added by me ,npc`s and weapons are from MxC site!! this is not a preconfigured pack! and a lot more , you need to join to see al the stuff.. and my work will continue.... merry X-mas to you all !!!
  7. for the moment i must stay with interlude , i have tryed l2equal and it sucks ... skills are shitty and very low in configs. anyone can tell me a pack in wich skills are fixed? i will add al the java protect part , but i cannot fix all the skills alone. or maybe someone have an old interlude pack that in can share? (NOT preconfig , i need core to. ) thanx
  8. Equal it`s ok? any1 used it? or ...?
  9. interlude , i have medium experience ... i know how to add fixes , and other "easy stuff" i need a pack with good protections , i will (try at least ) transfer all the other customs from the online server alone. so what interlude pack its better ?
  10. hello friends , here is my problem : i lost some parts of the core of my old server (it was dot , compiled and all fixes added by me ) and now i must update to a new pack , i need your advice , what pack is better (i know all are full of bugs) i need a pack with good protections and skills so i can update my server fast ... so , your opinion , what pack is better ? thanx for reply
  11. thanx alot dwarf , problem solved :-*
  12. pack is not preconf , i know a lil bit of java , i am not pro but i know enough to add fixes... i dont have enough posts to see that link , and all the post refering to noobish error are hidden for 500 or more posts . Anyway , i use a very old pack (i use dot cos i have added to it all the fixes i have acces to..recently i formated my hdd and lost some parts ...so , i am forced to update ... i wanna update it to smth newer ... i will need some advices from you but that is another post .. Again , thanx to all that replyed me !
  13. its alot of work to fix all the skills alone , i think its easyer to recompile a newer pack.. well if no1 have them ...i guess i will change the pack. thanx for all that answered me.
  14. i get this attaks daily , anyone kind enough to help..?
  15. no one? please i need help here....
  16. i will update to other pack ,,,, but for the moment i really need those xml files , no1 have them? c`mon ppl its old stuff and i x-mas is commin` :D
  17. any1 still have old l2j dot interlude skills fixed? i formated my hdd and lost them , and the link in mxc is dead.. (in the fixed skills stuff like frenzy and guts DONT work togeder) in any1 have them please make a small upload and gimme link... big thanx to al who wanna help...
  18. server looks to good , please fix the links so we can try it or lock the topic..
  19. ExTrEmEDwarf there`s no need to get mad on kiddos` on the server...i was not home last night , i was at some stupid wedding , so , for you i can ban any1 half of the server... it`s your contribution i used on the server...and your friends from archid team.. and you deserve a little respect... next time make a screen.
  20. server is new , atm 20 ppls online ...i just need some advertising and it can become a good server.
  21. We all love dwarfs right? The only problem is that in PvP servers dwarfs had NO Power . Untill now. In this server dwarfs are like womens , you cant live without them ! www.spoiledL2.com Here`s a little of the gameplay: - All farming is done by SPOIL/SWEEP - Dwarfs stats are increased (do if you are near a dwarf in pvp , you`ve better RUN) - All chars start with lvl 80 and enough adena to buy S grade gear - Farming is easy , it does not take ages to buy top equip - Classes are balanced by add/remove skills in active/passive , only dwarf power is raised by base stats - Alot more... Xp,Sp--- 5000x , Spoil /drop--- 1x There is no point to tell all the $h1t like: server is dedicated , 50mb up/down , chars autocreate ,no lag , young community , etc Try this server and you will not be sorry! If you like dwarfs JOIN US! www.spoiledL2.com
  22. You are right that il is unballanced as hell and the gameplay has alot of problems. but its easy to customize and to protect from "wannabe-devs as you say" . It`s the best pack to use for learning . and for crappy pvp servers . but it can also be veeery fun for shorts period of time. So that is my opinion , IL is very good for those who really wanna learn and maybe later evolve to better packs/chronicles offtopic: looks like most of the members of the mxc just wants to be a gm... not to do some real work that involves a bit of coding. Well ..i tryed to make a good think , i`ve better start working on my shitty dream server... hold on cos Dwarf Carnage is commminnnn ! // a bit disappointed becouse i`ve expected another feedback. Topic can be closed.
  23. retards? this is a nice way to talk .... do you think i`m just a kiddo that wanna be a gm or smth like that? even if 99% of il servers are full of crap , that does not give you the right to call people retards! why dont you ask what i wanna do and then call "names" ..... don`t get me wrong , i respect you and your work , but i expect the same from you . it`s called common sense.
  24. this is not usefuel only for newbies ...you cannot protect server only from core side ...client side protection is also needed! So , can anyone make a guide how to use this program?
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