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About ZankIDD

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. La 22 de ani nu ma consider deloc copil.. si bai "Ohh man someone tell this kid..." lasama frate cu dumele astea am intrebat si gata nu am timp de loc de cei ca tine ... Am de facut facultate si de mers si la lucru nu am timp sa dorm noaptea invatzand Java.. hai salut .... Guys try to don`t take me with this "kid" stuffs cuz maibe your under my age with many years... i have 22 years i have work, i have colege i have girl i don`t have time to sleep with java manual on my head.. I just asked for a collaboration.
  2. Nu ofer promisiuni, daca e cineva care ii place java la modu serios si nare ce face e binevenit el are de castigat pe baza maiestriei din chestia asta la fel de mult ca mine .. Iar cat despre bafta in proiect am avut un succes destul de bun pentru un oricare server romanesc pentru doar o saptamana am fost nevoit sa il pun jos ca nu puteam sa ma duc inainte cu lumea care venea si buguri care nu le putea da de cap din moment ce pot zice is praf in java. Nu v-am cerut o parere am cerut un ajutor nu e nevoie sa sariti cu gura pe mine ::). ... I don`t ofer promises, i have an good project we started this server like 1 mounth ago and i had to turn it off by my on because i couldn`t handle the bug`s that i ther was no chance for me to fix them.. If someone is agree and he don`t have nothing to do, or his an maniak on java ,, his wellcome.. And one more thing don`t jump on me with argues, i just asked for help i didn`t killed anyone. ::)
  3. Ash avea si eu nevoie de un developer Roman ... dar nu un orarecare developer am nevoie de unu care se pricepe sa modifice sursa jocului adica partea de core, compilare tot tacamu .. Avem server avem tot ce ne trebe am avut 100 si de playeri intr-o saptamana fara vechime sau ceva .. Dar l-am inchis pentru ca bugurile din core ne puneau la pamant... Cine se ofera sa imi lase un pm , despre ce benificiati cu sigurantza nu va exista discutia sa nu aveti o parte din acest proiect. ...... And if this is an Greek post or English i will tell in big words what i need im looking for an developer for my server but not any type of developer ... i need one to modify core side and compile like i want the server . ..
  4. Yeap the server is great probably one of the best interlude servers ... Join with us we want more pvp`s xD
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