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Everything posted by -$karos-

  1. ressurected it accidentaly
  2. den vrethike m leei xD Kane me add re den m afini na tis dw :P
  3. Sas eixa gia poio psilous kai toumpaniarides xD
  4. Currently : I have no job, I'm just making css maps for fun. What I will do : Open a "Φροντιστήριo αγγλικών", It is a nice idea to build one at the village I live... It'll be profitable ^^ What is my dream : To become a doctor (ENT). I'm very fond of the human body, how it works, how it improves by years and how it's protecting and healing mechanisms work... I have read many "serious" books about our bodies and all that doctor stuff... I also search about diseases and cures for them. I like to learn more about it... but in Greece... In order to do that I need to unplug my computer, start studying and write 20 out of 20 in every test that I take. And still It might not be enough...
  6. I want to learn how to put a desired image of my own for a Lineage2 Loading Screen. Never learnt :D
  7. Δεν ξέρω και να σου πω την αλήθεια δεν με ενδιαφέρει :D
  8. Ilikrina... asxolitse me malakies...
  9. Hi everybody :) I want to make a Zombie Mode map at counter strike source and I'm planning to add some sounds that make it more realistic. I'm using Hammer Editor and I have the following question. Well, I use ambient_generic entitiy to place a sound. I want the sound to play every 15 seconds. So i made a logic_case and a logic_timer, I went to link the outputs but in the outputs of logic_timer it has no option for specific case play. It has only pickrandomly. Well i don't want randomly! >:( I want specific time and specific case play! So... any ideas on how to play the sound i want every 15 seconds? Edit:Found a way... Lock it please =] And not randomly starting and stopping?
  10. Epidi to programma den s aresei den shmenei pws prepei na kaneis katalipsi (ROFL) Eleinos logos... Sto lukeio meta tin proti den kanete toses ores arxaia. Mporite na kanete katapipsi logo to oti exete katestrameno ktirio,dieftharmenous daskalous kai mi sevasmo ton diko sas dikaiomaton oxi omos gia to skata programma p exete... kanete toses ores filologika mathimata pou kata 98% den tha sas voithisoune se afto p kanete otan megalosete. Phgente kai diamarthirite ston giorgaki kai sto upourgeio paidias... Oxi min kanete katalipsi. Emeis exoume ena ktirio p otan xoropidai enas sto diadromo trizei olos o orofos. To 65% porton,parathiron einai spasmena, to gimnastirio pou einai sxetika 95% poio kala stimeno apo to sxoleio mas olokliro to kleisane giati lene pws tha pesei (Gia afto kai stin 28 stn giorti tha mas valoune ekei na tin kanoume). Kai pali den nomizw na kanoume katalipsi giati edw oli einai poli apasxolimeni sto na diavazoune kai gia tis paneladikes :/ Autoi einai logoi na kaneis katalipsi Oxi epidi exeis px gimnastiki tin 3i ora anti gia tin 1i.. Pola thelete apo oti vlepw :/
  11. Ksexases to kinigi =] Hunting rox
  12. Μούφες.. το δεξί σου χέρι είναι το youtube!
  13. They are under dos attack for f*ck sakes... They are having difficulties.. don't be hard on them :P I searched and found more than 10 servers and none of them can be compared with Infinite Aion. They all suck... they are miles away to be able to say that they can compete with that server. Anyways... Here is the last night update : Our gameserver is currently under a Denial of Service attack. We are giving our current host one or two more days to see if they can straighten everything out. If they can not get the server back online soon, we will be moving to a new host. I am also proud to announce we have gotten new website template, tell us what you think on the forums! More information at www.infiniteaion.com
  14. Οτι και αν κάνεις μην πάρεις Sony Ericsson. Μια φορά πήρα, μου έπεσε κάτω μονο μια φορά και δεν ξαναλειτούργησε σωστά. Ενα Nokia πάρε και άσε το LG και το SE. Ψάξε μα θα βρείς πολλά Νokia με καλά χαρακτηριστικά. Εγώ έχω το Ν73 απο πρόπερσι τα χριστούγενα και του παίζω κλοτσιές και ακόμα λειτουργεί :D
  15. Why do you people hate internet explorer? It is not that bad =/
  16. Karma giati kathese kai ton akous? Actions speak louder than words ;)
  17. Thanks whoever acted and banned him :D
  18. Thanks for you amazing info =D So that is what blind ppl see.. blured light and darkness.. (I found that on google too) Now... What do people with no eyes see O.o
  19. Having a visual abillity is define material in a 3D with distance,height and their space.You see the colors and as long there is light to reflect them in to your eye so you see them. Closing your eyes there is a lack of light and you see black.If your head looks towards the sun with your eyes closed you see a funky red color. So Black is not an answer since we can define it as a color and blind people don't have the visual abiliity to SEE the lack of light (Black). I believe they see actually nothing. No color. Just.. nothing.. like not having eyes at all... My point : closing your eyes is not being blind. You still see but you eye lids are closed and they block the light SO THAT IS WHY YOU SEE BLACK. But blind people don't see ANYTHING.
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