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Everything posted by -$karos-

  1. This is the easiest thing to do + the calculator xD I guess it is good.. but if you really want to learn read an Ebook (As my good friend Maestro informed me :)) Don't read silly tutorials if you are determined to learn vb.
  2. There is no best mouse for cs There is only what you have got used to with. It could be the crappiest mouse ever but still if you are used to it u'll play good. Plus it is not the mouse... It is the mouse settings (That is just my personal opinion)
  3. Yes actually... You have done something wrong... You misspelled. And you provoked him about it lmao... Either fix it or leave it as it is but don't be proud about it... Anyways... I think this topic is pointless and useless. You just made the simplest html code and shared it with us? Plus does that even make sense? Like... if I make a text and write asdasgagnsadb1329 r we0`h2bfd and then share it with you and tell ya "Post your own txts" Would that make any sense? But... since it is off topic we don't care :D
  4. Mob respawns every 30+ seconds. Mob ALWAYS drops that item. I don't think that they know that it drops it. They where probably configuring the mob stats and put an accidental zero on the drop rate or something like that...
  5. ROFL! LMAO! I know that =] LOL HAHA IM SO NOOB MAN U ARE SO FUNNY AND SMART! HAHAHA Anyways I'm so noob that I like calling it a trick so if you want make a same topic and reaname it to Glide LOL LMAO. bb
  6. http://www.hotel626.com/ You'll need to fill up some info before you play this amazing game. If you don't have a webcam it is okay just skip it.
  7. Like... now i get no post counts? Spam topic is "changed" to off topic?
  8. How is this possible? O___o
  9. BlowGirl - Main BlowBuffer - Healer TeenWhore - Buffer Online time 14:30-18:00 (Usually)
  10. No.. it is not faster in fact it is slower.. just tried it =]
  11. 1)Black 2)Black 3)White 4)Caucasian 5)Canadian (I don't really get this one :P) 6)Canada 7)Greece
  12. There is no other way to get money fast. I have seen a 43 level player looting there so i guess I'll stick with this until the developers fix the drops for other Mobs.
  13. Hello there :D I found another Intresting bug this time =] Clerics have the skill resurection don't they? Have you ever tried to do it on your self or on to another player while he is not dead? =]? It messes up with your stats... I ressurected my self while i was alive and i couldn't do skills,i had a verrryyyy low speed and each time I hit a monster was like i was standing up from lying down dead. I bet they will fix it but if someone steals your loot and you are a cleric... Now you know how you can take revenge ;) EDIT:Ahh they fixed it... :-\ Someone lock it?
  14. TheEnd download the NCSoft Launcher. Get Aion and download it the one that says Aion EU or somthing like that no the korean :P Don't get it from RS unless ur sure it is the english version and fully patched... @All The server has 2136 people online and it is not full O_O
  15. The point is that i kill the mob easily and that inifnite aion there are no extra ways to get money instead of this :P At least this is the only one i know... If you know any better for aion infinete please tell me =D
  16. lol just lol xD That is no Trick... that is just.. rest xD
  17. Heh.. glad i hear that :P I thought I was the only person addicted so much with this game.. I play many hours every day :D
  18. Why I like this game? What attracts me to this game? First of all I fell in love with Aion the first time I've heard of it and seen some pictures on google. My "love" for it grew stronger while I watched some impressive videos about this game. This game has the most unique features for an MMORPG.While you're playing this game you feel this magical sensation that you are in a world of magic and war.The soundtrack... the gameplay... the scenery... How is it possible not to get attracted with this game?Plus this game has so many differences with other mmos.. It doesn't have boring quest such as Lineage2 quests but I can't say that i has better quests than wow.Also the pvp is now 3D and not 2D.In other mmorpgs you just see your enemy in front of you and you can only have a 2d battle,but with Aion you can have a 3D pvp... enemy can be anywhere and attack you from Right,Left,Up,Down,Front and Behind. As for the graphics... they are not very good but the other material of this game can make people forget about the WoWish graphics.Even though many people find these new features idiotic and they despite this game. All and all,I personaly enjoy playing this game.As I said.. unique features captured my attention.So i guess this will be my new addiction, Aion.
  19. Ok, I changed it to Trick =]
  20. That is why I put "" On the fly =]
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