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Everything posted by DominiQue

  1. Is it online ? now I am downloading the update.
  2. I hope it is just a web hosting issuese , the server should start in 32-33 mins :D
  3. 95% of Ro servers are made by 16 years old kids ^.^(like you)with 0 java knowledge . You can not even write your own features,you copied the exact features from l2six .
  4. You can not even write the adress correctly :) and you call ureself the best interlude. Crappy website+free no-ip domain = homemade by 16years old .
  5. Olympiad Preview L2Six Olympiad
  6. First , the re-openning will be on saturday . Secondly, it doesn't matter from what l2j package i started to develop this server. The name/website should not be your problem . If you think it is just another crappy server , do not join on saturday. Have a nice day . And for the hosting questions :
  7. http://dealsnearme.ro/
  8. I did the social action and fireworks about 1 year ago...
  9. nice dude but my opinion is that the interlude will die verry soon..
  10. client or core side?
  11. L2J "economy" has been destroyed by this guys . Stop trying to make us laugh.
  12. I can code it too.
  13. can't u just shut up?
  14. The point of beeing in "ROmaniaCS" was so bad for Coyote and then the whole war begun. :) I got smitted in Market Place section,me and 2-3 guys too. He is smitting who he wants and when he wants that,because if he will watch few topics he will have to smitte the whole section. Anyway,"ROmaniaCS" died,I guess.
  15. The idea seems promising,but how many server owners can handle it :) ? Thats my question.
  16. Thats the whole point of haters,when they will find someting that is not working...you will be fullied of swears again . The public development sux so hard because you will not ever do what they want.
  17. 100+ commits of nothing special , try to make 10 of something well done.
  18. apendicita :(
  19. am iesit din spital ^.^ !!!
  20. bump, http://www.l2j-ictw.eu/index.php?topic=11.0
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